HAHA wtf. so nway i kinda stink right now, havent mandi yet. haha im supposed to be in college now hahah, fuck it. legal is only at 1pm now its like 9.50am. so i have to go mandi and go there and pass up this shit. had to lie to daddy saying that my class start late. haha. sorry ms rajani for missing your class right now haha. pn nor and mr chin im sorry i have to miss your class also later. heh.
i was singing like some crazy fucker just now cause i was freaking happy! hahaha. da la pagi2 buta. lol.
but then thursday got econs test, oh shit. i seriously have to score this test!
chiow fuckers.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
motherufucking legal draft havent finish yet. cibai da la susah. internet is suppose to be very helpful and the books too. but noooo. its not. fucker lah. i hope it can be done by tmrw. the bloody deadline is tmrw. die la like this. tmrw, im skipping english and go college like late ah. hate college.
daddy wont be home for a few daysss, aaahhh nak mabukk.. college is freaking stressful!
*Sorry rahimi didnt pick up ur phone call this morning, my phone was on silent and i was sleeping. =( i hope you'll have a blast in bali!
daddy wont be home for a few daysss, aaahhh nak mabukk.. college is freaking stressful!
*Sorry rahimi didnt pick up ur phone call this morning, my phone was on silent and i was sleeping. =( i hope you'll have a blast in bali!
beauty and the beast
awesome awesome awesome show! hahaah with some extra part, gahahahaha! so anyway. before beauty and the beast. amira came over and we went to urbanscapes. syafiq picked us up. well there was acoi who is like a chick now. his hair is like almost the same length as mine! grr and shah who is currently botak and suppose to be kurus by now ahaha. and arif with his skinny jeans haha! like those indie ppl. syafiq normal je ah like always. so went there and bought a dress and slipper and we watch the other side orchestra performed. well they were cool but then the vocalist's voice is just okay la. haha and there were some stupid things too. some guy with a red long jaket, he's like walking and as if like 'im here to conquer the world, muahahahaa'. some alien freak maybe. saw johan, hot as always haha and choin, he was nice as always hahaha. there was err sorry to say a fat chick but i salute her cause shes not embarrass to jump jump and enjoy the performane. may god bless you haha. i saw my cousin, which amira said he's hot. yea i know he is hot, he's my cousin haha. and everyone was looking for adrian yap, i mean who the fuck? i dont even know how he looks like haha. it was som game they had kena cari adrian yap. and then mi and i took a picture with ADAM C!!! aaaww he's cute, he got freckles -_-" i didnt know that, the tv covers his freckles haha!
then syafiq sent us to the monorail station then went home, rushing kot. hahaha so we get ready and rahimi was early *so u know if you go on a date with him he wont be late la. haha so anyway ekey was there like 10 ke 15 minutes later. and we who have the tickets were late. hahaha. i wore the dress that i just bought. lol so we met at starbuck klcc and walked to convention center. was hungry tho. haha then while waiting for the show to start amira was talking to ekey. so i talked to rahimi, i cant believe i talked alot okay. ahaha. and aaww he's so fun and good looking =) haha. i love the way he talks. lol.
the show was better than i expected it to be la. it was hilarious man and damn cun la. i really loved it. and beauty and the beast is the best among all those fairy tales stories. belle is so pretty! and the prince IS NOT hot! omg wtf la kan. i expect him to be good looking, ceh. apparently the climax sucks, cause the part where the beast was about to change to the prince suddenly it stopped. * IM SORRY BUT THERE IS SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, WE'LL BE BACK SHORTLY. hahaha i mean WTF haha. gila potong dohh. but then my hands was nicely held by someone. he smell good man. =)
the show ended, went see syahir and the gang. well i was abit hyper i have no idea why and they keep on asking if i was drunk. people i did not consume any alcohol that night okay! haha. i know i look like i am cause i couldnt walk properly heh. seriously dont know why i was hyper, maybe cause i had a good time, i dont know man. haha so nway after that everyone had to go. well i wished we could lepak the whole night but too bad ah tak dapat lol. ekey went home with the gang. my brother pick us up and rahimi took a cab. i was a bit concerned about rahimi ah cause its KL! rempits everywhere. and thank God he got home safe, so yeah. wanted to kiss him on the cheek, lupa la. haha, well thanks for the night too rahimi ;)
we got home i made a bed for mi and i to sleep the ate, cause laapppaarrr. and talk talk like always. and amira fell asleep first. ceh. haha its because i was talking to rahimi on the phone haha. he's so nice we talked a lot. he told me its fun hanging out with me. right back at you man. theres this one part agak potong ah, he said amira's name instead of mine when he asked me to call him back cause he had to talk to his mum haha, wth i didnt say anything ah. hahah gila out doh . but its cool.
sorry mi cause i keep on jumping to topics hahahaha. THANK YOU MI for beauty and the beast. everyone had a good time. i was happy to get to know rahimi. aha. LOVE YOU MI. you're the bomb babe. and poor you, forgot to take pictures. im sorry cause i also forgot. haha
my apologies if theres some errors, its normal la kan human makes mistakes. lol
then syafiq sent us to the monorail station then went home, rushing kot. hahaha so we get ready and rahimi was early *so u know if you go on a date with him he wont be late la. haha so anyway ekey was there like 10 ke 15 minutes later. and we who have the tickets were late. hahaha. i wore the dress that i just bought. lol so we met at starbuck klcc and walked to convention center. was hungry tho. haha then while waiting for the show to start amira was talking to ekey. so i talked to rahimi, i cant believe i talked alot okay. ahaha. and aaww he's so fun and good looking =) haha. i love the way he talks. lol.
the show was better than i expected it to be la. it was hilarious man and damn cun la. i really loved it. and beauty and the beast is the best among all those fairy tales stories. belle is so pretty! and the prince IS NOT hot! omg wtf la kan. i expect him to be good looking, ceh. apparently the climax sucks, cause the part where the beast was about to change to the prince suddenly it stopped. * IM SORRY BUT THERE IS SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, WE'LL BE BACK SHORTLY. hahaha i mean WTF haha. gila potong dohh. but then my hands was nicely held by someone. he smell good man. =)
the show ended, went see syahir and the gang. well i was abit hyper i have no idea why and they keep on asking if i was drunk. people i did not consume any alcohol that night okay! haha. i know i look like i am cause i couldnt walk properly heh. seriously dont know why i was hyper, maybe cause i had a good time, i dont know man. haha so nway after that everyone had to go. well i wished we could lepak the whole night but too bad ah tak dapat lol. ekey went home with the gang. my brother pick us up and rahimi took a cab. i was a bit concerned about rahimi ah cause its KL! rempits everywhere. and thank God he got home safe, so yeah. wanted to kiss him on the cheek, lupa la. haha, well thanks for the night too rahimi ;)
we got home i made a bed for mi and i to sleep the ate, cause laapppaarrr. and talk talk like always. and amira fell asleep first. ceh. haha its because i was talking to rahimi on the phone haha. he's so nice we talked a lot. he told me its fun hanging out with me. right back at you man. theres this one part agak potong ah, he said amira's name instead of mine when he asked me to call him back cause he had to talk to his mum haha, wth i didnt say anything ah. hahah gila out doh . but its cool.
sorry mi cause i keep on jumping to topics hahahaha. THANK YOU MI for beauty and the beast. everyone had a good time. i was happy to get to know rahimi. aha. LOVE YOU MI. you're the bomb babe. and poor you, forgot to take pictures. im sorry cause i also forgot. haha
my apologies if theres some errors, its normal la kan human makes mistakes. lol
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
ahaha, today was okay. i was late for college today. so i didnt go for econs class but i wanted to! ish, ahah nway so i saw my schoolmate just now it was nice seeing her ah. well after college i spoiled myself with dunkin donuts. ah damn, delicious man. ahahah. went to klcc spend some money for some stuff. haha.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
problem ah
first i wanted to go with roy, i know its like damn impossible since he's at langkawi kan. so i just try la and ask him kan. he wanted to go but then he's only coming back like in two months time dont know ah. hahah so nway then i met Q hahaha so then i ask him la, then he cant also cause he have a freaking 10days camp! dude 10days haha ill die. and then i ajak johan but then on saturday got urbanscapes. and i had a feeling he'll be goin and i asked him also and he said he's goin ahaha im good man. so anyway before that syafiq invited me to go to urbanscapes already and then johan also invited me. then johan said see you got two invitations already so you shouldnt miss it. i mean ofcourse la if i could right. well im gonna go la. during the day je then like 5pm chiow ah. i wanna bring Mi along with me, if she wants. and if i got extra cash i wanna get a freaking ONE BUCK SHORT tshirt man! they rock! haha. and i wanna see johan also haha. hopefully la there wont be any 'halangan' haha. so now i dont know who i wanna ajak for beauty and the beast. its either amira's mr hottie or syahir. haha. and that particular mr hottie is busy pulak. freaking farewell party. cis ada ada je dorang ni semua. geram den haha. then syahir dont want to go, cause he wants to bring his own date. wey malas aku nak layan dah. aku nak emo ah. geram gila ni.
anyone wanna go? you'll be my life saver. ah fck it.
anyone wanna go? you'll be my life saver. ah fck it.
i finish my english assignment! ahaha tapi i kinda tipu abit ah, cause i cant copy and paste, have to paraphrase actually but then i copied alot ahaha, tu la last minute work lagi. ish ish. tmrw got accounting test haiyaa, study study. cepat la friday i wanna go for beauty and the best ni! uhh i can bring a date cause got extra ticket ahaha. so who wants to be my date? LOL
*over it already. aha but then still didnt delete his msgs. on the way la on the way. lol =)
chiow, gotta college.
*over it already. aha but then still didnt delete his msgs. on the way la on the way. lol =)
chiow, gotta college.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
ahahaha yeaaa mi said 'clap clap clap' because i didnt smoke at all today. ahaha good job again syaza. well im did plan stop anyway, for myself and tunku amira zahra ofcourse! hihi.
*And when I touch you I feel happy inside,
It's such a feeling That my love
I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide.
Yeh, you got that something,
I think you'll understand,
When I feel that something,
I wanna hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand.
all time favourite song lah. haha
*And when I touch you I feel happy inside,
It's such a feeling That my love
I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide.
Yeh, you got that something,
I think you'll understand,
When I feel that something,
I wanna hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand.
all time favourite song lah. haha
no point
well im so bored here at college. im having my break and az is not here yet! urgh, how awesome spending ur break alone right? haha lame i tell you. so nway while waiting for her to finally arrive i shall blog about this thing that has been bothering me
define love? wtf is that? can you fall in love more than once? i think its possible, like what az said, its just the phase. everyone is going through it. once you already love someone, you will always love them eventho not as much as it used to be but you still love them. you may not realize it but its true. even if you had a bad break-up
currently im reading this book called The Zahir by Paulo Coelho. you should read The Alchemist also! nway, i just read half of The Zahir and this guy who is a writer, he wants to know why his wife left him but then she didnt left him yet cause she didnt say goodbye, she just left him without saying anything. its been two years he is still waiting for her. still wanting to know why.
Zahir in Arabic means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed It is someone or something which, once we have to come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought, until we can think of nothing else. this can consider as state of holiness or madness
People are happy when they are at war because for them the world has meaning. Total sacrificing themselves for a cause gives meaning to their lives. They are capable of limitless love, because they no longer have anything else to lose. A fatally wounded soldier never asks the medical team; 'please save me!' His last words are usually; 'Tell my wife and son that i love them'. At the last moment they speak of love. -The wife, Esther told the husband that. This was her reason to become a war correspondent.
The day that a man allows true love to appear, those things which are well made will fall into the confiusion and will overturn everything we believe to be right and true. The world will become real when man learns how to love, until then we will live in the belief that we know what love is, but we will always lack the courage to confront is as it truly is.
Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.
This force is on earth to make us happy, to bring us closer to God and to our neighbour.
All of these are from the book. i totally agree with it ah.
i was really heartbroken about my past relationship i think maybe because he left me, so yeah. if i was the one who left him i wouldnt be so heartbroken right? it took me a while to get over it and now im half over is already so its cool. but then to think back all this yeah it does takes time to get over things like this but its not that worth it to think about it. its like a total waste of time. oh well, i dont think about him anymore and somehow im happier now compared to last few weeks. haha. life goes on. its a journey and anything can happen in a journey right?
For one more day by mitch albom also another good book. if only i had the chance to go back to one of the days when we were together, maybe i could have make things right or just a day where you and i can talk about this. i'm not angry or mad at you, just abit dissapointed. and you left me hanging, since im a part of this i want to know why cause you didnt tell me the reason. everyday i wonder why.
loves is actually beautiful when you really look at it. aha im just a sucker for love. oh well what can i really do about it? in fact i am making changes in my life now. i can admit this time that i am happy =)
working on getting good grades right now since mid semester exam is around the corner! and daddy has been bugging me about my grades and classes and all la, err annoying abit ah. i keep on avoiding to answer whatever he asked me haha.
*im hungrryyyyy. somebody take me out to watch maid of honor please!!!
challo, xo
define love? wtf is that? can you fall in love more than once? i think its possible, like what az said, its just the phase. everyone is going through it. once you already love someone, you will always love them eventho not as much as it used to be but you still love them. you may not realize it but its true. even if you had a bad break-up
currently im reading this book called The Zahir by Paulo Coelho. you should read The Alchemist also! nway, i just read half of The Zahir and this guy who is a writer, he wants to know why his wife left him but then she didnt left him yet cause she didnt say goodbye, she just left him without saying anything. its been two years he is still waiting for her. still wanting to know why.
Zahir in Arabic means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed It is someone or something which, once we have to come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought, until we can think of nothing else. this can consider as state of holiness or madness
People are happy when they are at war because for them the world has meaning. Total sacrificing themselves for a cause gives meaning to their lives. They are capable of limitless love, because they no longer have anything else to lose. A fatally wounded soldier never asks the medical team; 'please save me!' His last words are usually; 'Tell my wife and son that i love them'. At the last moment they speak of love. -The wife, Esther told the husband that. This was her reason to become a war correspondent.
The day that a man allows true love to appear, those things which are well made will fall into the confiusion and will overturn everything we believe to be right and true. The world will become real when man learns how to love, until then we will live in the belief that we know what love is, but we will always lack the courage to confront is as it truly is.
Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.
This force is on earth to make us happy, to bring us closer to God and to our neighbour.
All of these are from the book. i totally agree with it ah.
i was really heartbroken about my past relationship i think maybe because he left me, so yeah. if i was the one who left him i wouldnt be so heartbroken right? it took me a while to get over it and now im half over is already so its cool. but then to think back all this yeah it does takes time to get over things like this but its not that worth it to think about it. its like a total waste of time. oh well, i dont think about him anymore and somehow im happier now compared to last few weeks. haha. life goes on. its a journey and anything can happen in a journey right?
For one more day by mitch albom also another good book. if only i had the chance to go back to one of the days when we were together, maybe i could have make things right or just a day where you and i can talk about this. i'm not angry or mad at you, just abit dissapointed. and you left me hanging, since im a part of this i want to know why cause you didnt tell me the reason. everyday i wonder why.
loves is actually beautiful when you really look at it. aha im just a sucker for love. oh well what can i really do about it? in fact i am making changes in my life now. i can admit this time that i am happy =)
working on getting good grades right now since mid semester exam is around the corner! and daddy has been bugging me about my grades and classes and all la, err annoying abit ah. i keep on avoiding to answer whatever he asked me haha.
*im hungrryyyyy. somebody take me out to watch maid of honor please!!!
challo, xo
goodmorning, its 5.30am and im bloody awake! i had my nescafe and my breakfast. i was lucky there was nasi goreng on the table, so i heat it and goreng telur and ate. haha. still havent finish my english assignment. hahah cis. and omg my sister talks in her sleep, haha damn funny but then i couldnt get what she was saying! lol.

alissa, me and amira. shoootttt!!! i misss youu guys, alissa come back from holland quick man! u been there for weeks already, isnt it enough ahahaha? *i hope she got me something from there. HAHAHA. cepat la i wanna go eat japanese food with u guys.
hahaha, just wanted to waste time lol.
chiow, have nice day
Monday, June 23, 2008
yyoo tutututututttt... hahaha. nwaaayyyy, today was err tiring my maths test, confirm fail. so its okay. i didnt pass up my english assignments draft. hmph. az came late grr. today was my lazy day. yeah.
just now the student were asked to go for 'physical intimacy' talk. ahaha yeah man! intimacy, grrr.. hahaha sex education mate. oh well it was funny cause the guys was funny. so the conclusion of the whole talk is basically, if u dont want to get pregnant or get anyone pregnant just dont have sex until u get married but then if you cant help it. SAFE SEX please. hahha there are ALOT of kinds of protection out there. hahaha and err watch out with the bad things that u can get when u have sex ah, damn bloody disturbing wey. i saw the pictures and all. eeewwwww.. i definitely dont want any of it DUHHH.. and oral sex does count okay. LOL
smoke only one cig today, good job syaza haha. ala yesterday didnt smoke at all anyway and on saturday one cig also. cun cun. soon i'll stop, insyallah. i even give my new box of cig to abang just like that. haha
well cant wait for friday, beauty and the best the musical baby! mi has a date la, i dont so Mi's DAD can be my date. hahaha
still have alot of work to finish up, grr.
and aha i have a crush on someone sexy hahahaha! LAME!
just now the student were asked to go for 'physical intimacy' talk. ahaha yeah man! intimacy, grrr.. hahaha sex education mate. oh well it was funny cause the guys was funny. so the conclusion of the whole talk is basically, if u dont want to get pregnant or get anyone pregnant just dont have sex until u get married but then if you cant help it. SAFE SEX please. hahha there are ALOT of kinds of protection out there. hahaha and err watch out with the bad things that u can get when u have sex ah, damn bloody disturbing wey. i saw the pictures and all. eeewwwww.. i definitely dont want any of it DUHHH.. and oral sex does count okay. LOL
smoke only one cig today, good job syaza haha. ala yesterday didnt smoke at all anyway and on saturday one cig also. cun cun. soon i'll stop, insyallah. i even give my new box of cig to abang just like that. haha
well cant wait for friday, beauty and the best the musical baby! mi has a date la, i dont so Mi's DAD can be my date. hahaha
still have alot of work to finish up, grr.
and aha i have a crush on someone sexy hahahaha! LAME!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
i just realized that yesterday when i saw mubin, didnt have that much feelings towards him no more, it was just damn akward. heh, oh well i dont think im gonna be committed in a relationship for a long time. haha, unless you can make me melt like crazy or or you're LUCAS EUGENE SCOTT! haha yeaahh! or if brad pitt is on the market, im ready! hahaha. im gonna live half of my 2008 year like crazy. and erm study for good grades so i can go away from here. haha may God bless me! amin.
and i wanna watch maid of honor! hmph.
and i wanna watch maid of honor! hmph.
oohh, i develop a crush on someone! hahahahhaha! btw im slowly moving on already. its been 25days already. haha! get over IT syaza. damn sad wey you. haha.

so now im gonna tell you about my one tree hill which i loveeeeeeee... so anways season 5 its already over, and hell yeah theres gonna be season 6 also. damn wey cant wait, cause the last episode of season 5, they left it hanging so yeahh i have to wait for months then only ill find out what will happen. ceh. so before anything Lucas Eugene Scott, is like my freaking dream guy. im damn bloody in love with him not Chad Micheal Murray but Lucas okay Lucas. haha. that character, ill shall pray and wish i can find 'that' guy. lol
so like Nathan used to be with Peyton, then Lucas likes Peyton and Nathan got jealous but then Peyton likes Lucas also and then Brooke also kinda likes Lucas and then Haley is like Lucas bestfriends. so right its actually damn long to tell also. so like think la. Nathan and Haley got married and they had a kid, name Jamie. and then Brooke is saving everybody all the time so she got no lover, which is so sad but what the heck i love her. shes damn nice. and then Lucas and Peyton, their relationship didnt work out. but its damn clear they are like bloody in love with each other. Lucas is just too stupid sometimes to even realize it. he wrote two books, and the first one is about the Ravens, the highschool la. and there's alot about Peyton in it and then his second book was actually about Peyton too! but heh he didnt realize it. adoiii.
okay, i wanted to blog about oth and then i just had a second thought, its actually damn loooonnggg to blog about so i got lazy. hahhahahahha. but whatever it is one tree hill is the bomb okay! it made me cry. hahaha. so try watching it people, its damn cun. hahahaa
he dedicates his second book,
"To all those lost souls who have forgotten to believe in the immensity of love" - Lucas Scott
and time heals all wounds.
chiow ah sorry too lazy hahaha.
ps. if there is a Lucas Eugene Scott in this freaking world, call me. i wanna date you. haha.
so like Nathan used to be with Peyton, then Lucas likes Peyton and Nathan got jealous but then Peyton likes Lucas also and then Brooke also kinda likes Lucas and then Haley is like Lucas bestfriends. so right its actually damn long to tell also. so like think la. Nathan and Haley got married and they had a kid, name Jamie. and then Brooke is saving everybody all the time so she got no lover, which is so sad but what the heck i love her. shes damn nice. and then Lucas and Peyton, their relationship didnt work out. but its damn clear they are like bloody in love with each other. Lucas is just too stupid sometimes to even realize it. he wrote two books, and the first one is about the Ravens, the highschool la. and there's alot about Peyton in it and then his second book was actually about Peyton too! but heh he didnt realize it. adoiii.
okay, i wanted to blog about oth and then i just had a second thought, its actually damn loooonnggg to blog about so i got lazy. hahhahahahha. but whatever it is one tree hill is the bomb okay! it made me cry. hahaha. so try watching it people, its damn cun. hahahaa
he dedicates his second book,
"To all those lost souls who have forgotten to believe in the immensity of love" - Lucas Scott
and time heals all wounds.
chiow ah sorry too lazy hahaha.
ps. if there is a Lucas Eugene Scott in this freaking world, call me. i wanna date you. haha.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
went out just now with zao and mubin. yeah i know mubin hahah. damn its was akwardddd, with mubin ah. we both didnt try to talk to each other also. i didnt talk. can u imagine i didnt talk?!?! hahha. was suppose to watch a movie, grr but then tak jadi so we ate lunch ah then jalan2 then went to times to buy my book. and saw ruffey and hareez! omg they didnt reconize me hahah because of my hair and my CHUBBY cheeks, its chubbier man! hahaha. but its okay. then i saw jojie pulak wow im seeing my old buds wey. didnt expect to see anyone actually. haha. the most lame outing ever ah i think. haha. but watever it is i did get the chance to see mubin and i thought at first it would be okay him being there also but actuallu no its not. hahaha. but what the heck it happened already.
nothing much happened anyway but actually i was suppose to be doing my work!! hahah. shit wey. oh and i texted Q. aahh he's hot haha.
sorry if my spelling is out or my grammar cause i just type and damn lazy to check.
nothing much happened anyway but actually i was suppose to be doing my work!! hahah. shit wey. oh and i texted Q. aahh he's hot haha.
sorry if my spelling is out or my grammar cause i just type and damn lazy to check.
Friday, June 20, 2008
didnt go to college today, ponteng. was lazy, seriously. oh and daddy wants to talk about my result yeah. i failed 3 subject out of 5 so its actually terrible la. i have two major assignments to pass up next week, fuck it wey. too much work to do. and made of honor is out! i wanna watch it man!
finished reading the secret and the alchemist both damn cun wey.
and one tree hill also finished already the whole of season 5. ill talk about oth later, i have a lot to spill. which i so love. heh.
basically i really and SHOULD be doing is to STUDY STUDY STUDY!
oh and with my new haircut, i actually got quiet a few compliments. hahaha, cool!
okay chiow.
finished reading the secret and the alchemist both damn cun wey.
and one tree hill also finished already the whole of season 5. ill talk about oth later, i have a lot to spill. which i so love. heh.
basically i really and SHOULD be doing is to STUDY STUDY STUDY!
oh and with my new haircut, i actually got quiet a few compliments. hahaha, cool!
okay chiow.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
too much work, cant sleep... im dying here. stressful lah. i need comfort. i miss being cuddled and getting kisses =(
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
i cut my hair today. so you can call me apple! hehe i feel like an apple with this new haircut of mine tho. well im so happy that my bestfriend for life was there with me watching my hair being cut. that was a huge step for me, a big change. my hair ! haha nway my head feels lighter maybe i can like get more knowledge in my brain! and become even smarter! LOL
nway last night i went to ktj's prom. i was zamir's date. last minute haha. but still i was happy to be his date. it was a weirdly fun night i guess. but its sad that mi was a bit sick tho. and she was in dilemma between two guys. hihihi =p nway i randomly and with mi's help i got to know a guy who i think is good looking, yeah he is hehe and he's like a damn polite kinda guy. hehe but its cool. so his name is still hard for me to pronounce, i mean Quays? very the unique name wey. hahhaaha.
and i been watching my all time favourite show, one tree hill. ah i miss it so much wey. and i miss mj stil. hmph
nway last night i went to ktj's prom. i was zamir's date. last minute haha. but still i was happy to be his date. it was a weirdly fun night i guess. but its sad that mi was a bit sick tho. and she was in dilemma between two guys. hihihi =p nway i randomly and with mi's help i got to know a guy who i think is good looking, yeah he is hehe and he's like a damn polite kinda guy. hehe but its cool. so his name is still hard for me to pronounce, i mean Quays? very the unique name wey. hahhaaha.
and i been watching my all time favourite show, one tree hill. ah i miss it so much wey. and i miss mj stil. hmph
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i just got back like erm 15mins ago i think. finish college at 5pm it was suppose to be 4pm but then hmph got malaysian studies finals. i think i dont know la i didnt do that well but i want to pass so i believe i can pass la, insyaAllah.
well i drove mack's car just now kejap haha dude i tell you im nopt that good yet at driving but i believe i can be good ah! hahaha okay tonight i continue again. i gotta study for legal. haih crap la
well i drove mack's car just now kejap haha dude i tell you im nopt that good yet at driving but i believe i can be good ah! hahaha okay tonight i continue again. i gotta study for legal. haih crap la
Monday, June 9, 2008
at college
ohhh myy freaakiinngg goGG!! im at college waiting for my daddy because HE WANTS to attend this one freaking talk about WHAT YOU WANNA DO AFTER SAM! haiyaa i tell youu i bloody lazy to go. and i've been force to go and i got the date wrong. i thought it was last friday so i thought he forgot all about it already but nooo, its today and he remembered! haihh. and college today damn tiring and sleepy. i got back two of my accounts paper one i did well another one since it was on my so called 'breakup' day i did terrible. haih. im bored im bored im bored. nothing better to do. or i shall play black jack at facebook but then im lazy aahh pulak kan.
oh i watched 'into the wild' and hitman yesterday. aawweeesssoommmee, both movies. one inspirational and another yeah man killing2, me like. lol. into the wild is basically based on a true story and theres this one part where he quoted 'happiness only real when shared' yeah man its true. and hitman, i think you should never mess with the wrong person it might get you killed. the guy is actually 'quite' good looking.
i gave daddy the list of books i wanted to buy since my mother went to pavilion without tellin me yesterday which i really badly want to buy the books but no, she didnt tell me. and she told me its not her problem. and she blamed me cause i got home late. urgh its not my fault that my brother's phone died right. hmph. and daddy blamed me for not buying it during the holidays i mean i already invited my mum so many times. she la. ish.
im typing all this just to kill the time haih. oh and omg during my break just now. was walking back to college, i used the wat at ac from mamak. i walked i saw mubin but err, i saw him from the back ah but i didnt say hi or watever i just acted like i didnt see him so im not sure if he sees me or not cause i kinda walk past him also. *this morning i told myself not to do anything unless he sees me first LOL. SPACE remember? haha
got Malaysian studies finals tmrw so cant attend islamic studies class, sorry teacher! and thursday is our day off! yeay! i seriously wanna go watch kungfu panda so i dont care if i have to watch it alone or watever! and this weekend would be a boring weekend. since im gonna stay at home. heh.
nways im out la. chiow, talk more later.
oh i watched 'into the wild' and hitman yesterday. aawweeesssoommmee, both movies. one inspirational and another yeah man killing2, me like. lol. into the wild is basically based on a true story and theres this one part where he quoted 'happiness only real when shared' yeah man its true. and hitman, i think you should never mess with the wrong person it might get you killed. the guy is actually 'quite' good looking.
i gave daddy the list of books i wanted to buy since my mother went to pavilion without tellin me yesterday which i really badly want to buy the books but no, she didnt tell me. and she told me its not her problem. and she blamed me cause i got home late. urgh its not my fault that my brother's phone died right. hmph. and daddy blamed me for not buying it during the holidays i mean i already invited my mum so many times. she la. ish.
im typing all this just to kill the time haih. oh and omg during my break just now. was walking back to college, i used the wat at ac from mamak. i walked i saw mubin but err, i saw him from the back ah but i didnt say hi or watever i just acted like i didnt see him so im not sure if he sees me or not cause i kinda walk past him also. *this morning i told myself not to do anything unless he sees me first LOL. SPACE remember? haha
got Malaysian studies finals tmrw so cant attend islamic studies class, sorry teacher! and thursday is our day off! yeay! i seriously wanna go watch kungfu panda so i dont care if i have to watch it alone or watever! and this weekend would be a boring weekend. since im gonna stay at home. heh.
nways im out la. chiow, talk more later.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
back to college, bloody college. i want more holidays. im tired and bored and wants fun.
fucking hell i have to study study study. crazy ah. in 5 months ill be done with this SAM shit yeah man! but then i need good bloody great grades so i can go overseas! US or Aussie man! aaahhh..
fucking hell i have to study study study. crazy ah. in 5 months ill be done with this SAM shit yeah man! but then i need good bloody great grades so i can go overseas! US or Aussie man! aaahhh..
10th June - Malaysian studies finals. ah fucking hell
11th June - Legal Studies Short Response test. bloody hell. topic 1 till 3. cibai
12th June - Islamic studies assignments, thank God, its done. sorry daniel i buat lambat haha. *im not the only one anyway haha
13th June - Malaysian studies assignments. im the freaking group leader bai. extra work to do being in a group with lazy guys. haih. and shit Legal Studies gotta find 40 freaking articles to support my topic. haih
die die die.
apparently suddenly out of the freaking blue my sister told me i was grounded?!! what? daddy didnt even say anything. she said mum said that. but hellooo. i dont freaking care, cause im not grounded until daddy said i am plus even if i am i still can go out man. hahah cause i travel to college and i can go anywhere after that, they dont knowww. hahahaha *naughty naughty.
im out.
11th June - Legal Studies Short Response test. bloody hell. topic 1 till 3. cibai
12th June - Islamic studies assignments, thank God, its done. sorry daniel i buat lambat haha. *im not the only one anyway haha
13th June - Malaysian studies assignments. im the freaking group leader bai. extra work to do being in a group with lazy guys. haih. and shit Legal Studies gotta find 40 freaking articles to support my topic. haih
die die die.
apparently suddenly out of the freaking blue my sister told me i was grounded?!! what? daddy didnt even say anything. she said mum said that. but hellooo. i dont freaking care, cause im not grounded until daddy said i am plus even if i am i still can go out man. hahah cause i travel to college and i can go anywhere after that, they dont knowww. hahahaha *naughty naughty.
im out.
i was born when you kissed me. i died when you left me. i lived a few days when you loved me.
Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. -John Lennon
Where there is great love, there are always miracles. -Willa Cather.
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh what a tiring day. PROM NIGHT, you know that so called thriller suspen movie, aha yea. its crap i tell you. no disgusting scense like those torture2 scenes like that. no got. hahaha. and rock on rave, lame i tell you. thankgod got in for free. so yeah basically wat a freaking day.
tell more later. bloody tiring shit wey.
still not over mj. miss you, ah fuck.
oh and watched friend last night. shoot monica and chandler bloody cute and sweet ah. reminds me of mubin, dang cried watching friends. cause that episode they got engaged and its was freaking adorably sweet. aha yea.
chiow. *sorry if got typo.
Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. -John Lennon
Where there is great love, there are always miracles. -Willa Cather.
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh what a tiring day. PROM NIGHT, you know that so called thriller suspen movie, aha yea. its crap i tell you. no disgusting scense like those torture2 scenes like that. no got. hahaha. and rock on rave, lame i tell you. thankgod got in for free. so yeah basically wat a freaking day.
tell more later. bloody tiring shit wey.
still not over mj. miss you, ah fuck.
oh and watched friend last night. shoot monica and chandler bloody cute and sweet ah. reminds me of mubin, dang cried watching friends. cause that episode they got engaged and its was freaking adorably sweet. aha yea.
chiow. *sorry if got typo.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
rawr, like wat mi been saying. anyway how was your day? oh my day was fine. woke up at 8.30am went for driving at 10am. until 12pm i still think i suck. i get nervous and confused like shit. bloody hell. and i kinda takut with the pakcik some more. then went to kl central and took the monorail to BB, and central i was like where the fuck is the bloody monorail. its not exactly at kl central at all. stupid stupid. then walked to pavilion. first was suppose to go out with myra but nope, cancelled she went ou instead. i could have gone there also, too lazzzyyy. so i called haiqal we watched a movie, what happens in vegas, baby! i tell you damn it was freaking funny. what an awesome and worth watching movie! but still haih made me thought about mj. cause last time i wanted to watch it with him and got some lovey dovery shit la, but unlucky me right. but its aight still get the chance to watched it. ah so tired la tell more later. im out. tmrw goin to buy books!!! yeeaaayyy am so happy. wth im not 'that' happy but okay la. heh, chiow, sweet dreams.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I watched the bachelor just now. dangg it was good. what an awesomely sweet movie. but a love like love, ps i love you, the lake house, the holiday, the last kiss. still the bomb! hahahaah. oh not forgetting the notebook! dont really like a walk to remember. lol. anyway i really really miss mj. :) its okay. im slowly dealing with the fact that its bloody over. yeah we're FRIENDS (i actually typed friday) haha stupid me. but he need some space. so i shall gave him the space that he needs. i dont want to be the irritating ex girlfriend. i still think about him, duh. I cant cry no more. but still i did cry a little. you know romance movies makes you cry. im a sucker for it i tell you. well the whole point of this blog now is just to say that, i fucking miss him. haha
*okay move on bitch. lol
*okay move on bitch. lol
old story.
Blue skies, white clouds, bright sun.
Nice weather for a great day.
But with a confused mind and an uncertain heart,
perhaps it wouldn’t be a great day.
The feelings I used to have, changed.
A sense of freedom suddenly appear
The love will always be there
But I want to cut off the string
I want to be free and not tied into anything.
A young fellow I still am
A lot of experiences need to be learnt
Now is certainly a good time to do it.
Feelings can never been controlled.
*note : this was written ages ago. yeah.
Nice weather for a great day.
But with a confused mind and an uncertain heart,
perhaps it wouldn’t be a great day.
The feelings I used to have, changed.
A sense of freedom suddenly appear
The love will always be there
But I want to cut off the string
I want to be free and not tied into anything.
A young fellow I still am
A lot of experiences need to be learnt
Now is certainly a good time to do it.
Feelings can never been controlled.
*note : this was written ages ago. yeah.
I have lost my touch.
I feel like I’ve totally lost it.
I want to do something,
Something great and special.
I tried and tried
But I couldn’t do it.
Why oh why God.
Give me a reason,
So that I can satisfy myself
I need satisfaction.
Any kind of satisfaction will do.
If you can give me an answer,
that would be great.
I feel like I’ve totally lost it.
I want to do something,
Something great and special.
I tried and tried
But I couldn’t do it.
Why oh why God.
Give me a reason,
So that I can satisfy myself
I need satisfaction.
Any kind of satisfaction will do.
If you can give me an answer,
that would be great.
Hope exist in everyone,
Dreams are everywhere.
Everyone hopes and dreams.
Wanting something great.
We humans are weird,
always wanting something extraordinary.
I admit, I want it too.
But we are never satisfied.
Always want something more
Dude, just deal with it.
This is what we called, Life.
Life is a fucked up journey.
Shit happens.
Dreams are everywhere.
Everyone hopes and dreams.
Wanting something great.
We humans are weird,
always wanting something extraordinary.
I admit, I want it too.
But we are never satisfied.
Always want something more
Dude, just deal with it.
This is what we called, Life.
Life is a fucked up journey.
Shit happens.
Promise is a big word, a huge one.
Not everyone can keep a promise.
You have promised me.
I believed you.
I fell for you.
Again define love.
What is that?
Do you have a good definition about it?
I don’t and I’m dying to know.
I hate the fact that you didn’t call
And you didn’t bother to do anything
Especially when you say things that I don’t understand
It makes me feel like you don’t even care.
I have fallen for you
Which makes me feel so weak.
I almost felt like dying.
Dying in the inside.
Days have past.
Tears have fallen.
No, I don’t think you care.
If you do, I could have felt it.
I couldn’t think of anything,
Why this have to happened
I can’t even hate nor dislike you
I’m not even sure about my feelings now.
You, I can’t have.
I shall wait for you.
If my pain can be cured,
I’ll try and move on.
If not I’ll just wait and wait.
Not everyone can keep a promise.
You have promised me.
I believed you.
I fell for you.
Again define love.
What is that?
Do you have a good definition about it?
I don’t and I’m dying to know.
I hate the fact that you didn’t call
And you didn’t bother to do anything
Especially when you say things that I don’t understand
It makes me feel like you don’t even care.
I have fallen for you
Which makes me feel so weak.
I almost felt like dying.
Dying in the inside.
Days have past.
Tears have fallen.
No, I don’t think you care.
If you do, I could have felt it.
I couldn’t think of anything,
Why this have to happened
I can’t even hate nor dislike you
I’m not even sure about my feelings now.
You, I can’t have.
I shall wait for you.
If my pain can be cured,
I’ll try and move on.
If not I’ll just wait and wait.
random shit
Define love,
WTF is that man?
I want to know
I need to know.
You damn right I’m desperate.
Desperado, I tell you.
Not everything works out in love ey?
Yeah you’re right
Been there, Heck I tell you,
it hurts. I need some hard shit glue,
to put the pieces of my heart together.
It wouldn’t look as pretty as it used to be.
But its okay, it’s covered,
it’s in the inside, you can’t see it.
Thank God you can’t see it.
Well, we human sure went through
a lot of deep shit ey?
I just realize that I aint the only one
who is going through this kinda shit.
WTF is that man?
I want to know
I need to know.
You damn right I’m desperate.
Desperado, I tell you.
Not everything works out in love ey?
Yeah you’re right
Been there, Heck I tell you,
it hurts. I need some hard shit glue,
to put the pieces of my heart together.
It wouldn’t look as pretty as it used to be.
But its okay, it’s covered,
it’s in the inside, you can’t see it.
Thank God you can’t see it.
Well, we human sure went through
a lot of deep shit ey?
I just realize that I aint the only one
who is going through this kinda shit.
The waiting game
I shall call it the waiting game.
You are the prize of the game.
Bloody hell, I had you as a lover.
But heck it didn’t worked out.
Boo hoo, pity me.
In the game I made a wish,
I shall go through all the life
just to get you back, I tried.
But instead it was only friendship
that I got in returned
I guess it is better than nothing.
It okay, after all it is called 'the waiting game'.
Perhaps I shall wait, the game isn’t over yet.
You are the prize of the game.
Bloody hell, I had you as a lover.
But heck it didn’t worked out.
Boo hoo, pity me.
In the game I made a wish,
I shall go through all the life
just to get you back, I tried.
But instead it was only friendship
that I got in returned
I guess it is better than nothing.
It okay, after all it is called 'the waiting game'.
Perhaps I shall wait, the game isn’t over yet.
Strings were tied into a beautiful ribbon,
A beautiful ribbon that represent Love
But now it is not longer as beautiful.
It has been cut off into two parts.
String A said its not working out.
As string B wandered off wondering why
How can it be?
You’re the one,
who said you were in love with me.
I let you in my life,
You were suppose to add happiness in my life.
Indeed you did but sadly it didn’t last long
You made me happy,
But now I don’t considered myself as happy anymore.
Well like what you said not everything works out, right?
I shall pray for your happiness.
Take care love.
A beautiful ribbon that represent Love
But now it is not longer as beautiful.
It has been cut off into two parts.
String A said its not working out.
As string B wandered off wondering why
How can it be?
You’re the one,
who said you were in love with me.
I let you in my life,
You were suppose to add happiness in my life.
Indeed you did but sadly it didn’t last long
You made me happy,
But now I don’t considered myself as happy anymore.
Well like what you said not everything works out, right?
I shall pray for your happiness.
Take care love.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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