Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
on monday i have amiras birthday partyyy.. yeeaayy a party! hahaha.. half of me feels like partying and half of me is just soooo laaazzzyyy. but whatever it is i still have to go ah. she will kill me if i cant make it. haha. might be performing for her party. so hopefully i dont screw up ah. sorry Mi i couldnt get the cake i wanted for you. oh well im sure ur party will be awesome!
last night i was so so sooo lameeee.. i wrote ilyas a letter hehe. 3 pages sia.
i dont know what else to say ah now. so talk more later.
chiow. x
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
current mood: depress, sad, lonely, disappointed, quiet, lost.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mi's bday.

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
kinda excited lol
night flowers. x
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
cibai motherfucker
yes yes i know there's a lot of fuck in it but im just gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh fucking mad sial. he says bad names to me in malay and i cant seem to reply him back in any malay bad words. hahahaha. cibai
shit bored
oh and last night i slept like at arnd 5am plus was reading a walk to remember again haha. finished it and made me cry. gaaaahhhh romance.. nways it was beautifully written. what a marvelous job he had done. hehh...
goddddddddd... i wanna see him. gaahhhh...
you know you love me, xoxo. haha
chiow bitches.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
just sayingg
lying down together on the grass as our heart beats
our heart beat created a rhythm
and i called the rhythm our love story
i want to paint our love red and orange
as it is among the brightest colors
i want to plant sunflowers and lilies
therefore when it bloom our love shall bloom together.
im lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... hahahaha. i like youuuuuuuu allootttttttt.. =)=)))))))
Saturday, December 6, 2008
gaaahh i miss you shorty. although you're taller now, still gonna call you shorty cause thats how i remember you. hehe
“A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.”
Friday, December 5, 2008
out of words
im currently recycling my book, soooo im reading a walk to remember again. that reminds me i need more nice movies to downloadddd... any recommendations? and i wanna download 90210 since i always missed it. gaahh.. i might gonna disappear for a while but i'll be blogging for sure laaaa..... i need to get a job, i need to pay back my debts to amira. rm300 nowww.. gaaahhhh...
falling for you was the last thing i wish to happen, but shit it wasnt the last thing that happened. the last thing that happened was seeing you leave, making me cry to sleep. i wish i could fly, therefore i could just fly to you everytime we need each other. just dont say goodbye, i hate goodbyes. make me believe that i will see you again. when i close my eyes i see you, but thats not what i want. i want to see you everytime i open my eyes. i might just fall the next time i see you, so be ready catch me when i fall. i need you to hold me tight and tell me that i will always have you. kiss me and tell me that you care for me. i dont believe in forever but if takes forever to be with you i'll wait for you forever.
"how does love change a person?
continuesly, foolishly, endlessly... "
sweetdreams dreamers, xo.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i want the time to stop forever so you dont have to go. =(
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
im so lazy but actually im a bit annoyed with my room right now, its freaking messy! but im not doing anything about it haha i know its my fault. gaaahhh damn lazy la! maybe tmrw ill finally clean it up cause its just too messy! tmrw is Mi's last day of spm! yeay you! lol good luck with bloody accounts darling! love you and i shall see you real soon!
"If the only place where I could see you was in my dreams, I'd sleep forever." -Anonymous
kay la, night night flowers, x.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
are you one in a million?
nways i dont know why but i really miss ilyas right now. gaaahhhhh.... cant wait to see you! 2 days moreeeeee..... wooohhhhooooo....... =)))
"don't drink and drive you might spill your beer"
xx flowers
Friday, November 28, 2008
vacation update.
the next day we went to sentosa island. we ride the cable car and walked around ah. tiring tiring. the beach was beautiful la. we went back to the hotel then rest for a while then got ready. i met ilyas =) at the little india MRT. my parents and sister waited with me also. before that my dad was like 'so your friend you wanna see is a boy?' and i was like 'yeah. i mention the word 'he' so many times'. and he was like 'i didnt know'. then he said go back early and shit la. haha. then when ilyas arrived, i thought daddy was gonna give him a straight face. but instead there was a smile on his face haha, daddy ask ilyas about arab street and place to eat. ngehh.. *my sister told me that my dad said to my mum "yeah she can go out with this boy" he said it when he saw ilyas. haha. so ilyas and i went to clarke quay and walked all the way to raffles place. and we had our dinner, he paid for me. weee thankyouuu... then we walked and lepak at city hall. we drank abit, cause he brought a bottle of vodka. thanks. haha. but at that time i couldnt really drink that much so i kinda drank damn slow ah. then joachim came. we went to bugis street and teman him makan. then we just lepak there the whole night. joachim job is cool wey. haha. then after our little night out they both walked me back to my hotel. *i was about to say home. haha. didnt want to leave them actually. hahah so saaaddd. i hugged them more than once. as for ilyas i didnt wanna let go if it was possible but i had to. =(( after two years of not seeing ilyas, he grew taller! my boy is all grown up. haha.
then our last day me. my parents and sis just walked around the city. we walked alot. hahaha. suprisingly i didnt shop at all. well basically for me the point of my trip there was to see ilyas. haha. and he was definitely the highlight of my trip la. on our way back from johor to kl, it rained all the way man.
idk lah
ill do anything just to see you even for a second.
cant wait to see you. =))))
ill talk even more when im not tired or lazy kay kay. night night dreamers.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
.all i want for christmas is you.
imissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyou imissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyou imissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyou imissyouimissyouimissyouimissyou.........................
i felt like crying again, i cried otw back home. =(
catch me before i fall, hug me nowwww.......
"Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear." -John Lennon
Saturday, November 22, 2008
prom pictures. =))

i might have fallen for the dancer but i know nothing about the dancer. then again the dancer is reserved. what should i do? the dancefloor connected us. i felt the chemistry. or maybe its just me.
haha, im such a loser. lol. now i feel like drinking and drinkingggg...
im in a search for the romance. kiss me again and tell me that it wasnt nothing.
p.s im still sick and its bloody annoying!
today went shopping with tracee and jen at sungei wang. *i've been spending money, i seriously have to stop man. it was nice. then at night had keyna's suprise birthday party at hard rock. love you like crazy babe! tmrw she's turning 18! hehe thanks to her parents for paying lol. it was fun eventho i was sick!!! aaahh annoyed with the flu and sore throat wey. got to see my schoolmates, miss you guys. ohmygod guess wat. i was smoking with haziq at the bar cause at the dinner table cant smoke then some old indian guy hit on me. haha wtf he offered to buy me a drink i was like no thankyou. haha. after all the chillling and shit. was waiting for diyanna's boyf's friend and some other indian guy go ask the boyf whether he can buy diyanna. hahahahaahahahaha! fucker we are so not prostitutes! idiot! it was funny he was like how much how much? go find prostitutes somewhere else la idiot.
well i guess since after my stupid accounts paper i've been having fun so it was great. did i mention the guy who i dance with his name is Ian. he seems to be interesting. =) but he has a gf? gaahh. *depress already. hahahahaha before i knew about it, the night after prom and shit i was bloody happy haha i was so excited. told Mi everything! and Az also. according to tracee and lee jen "syaza cant stop smiling and she's glowing wey" hahaha. watever guysss.. hehe
benedict and benjamin plans to go to penang on the 2nd i can go yeay hope its gonna happen ah me and tracee is really excited about it hehe. i need vacation! oh this sunday singapore here i come! i can see my shorty ilyas, dude it has been two years and i hope u grow taller! hahaha.
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." -Thich Nhat Hanh
guess thats all. sorry if got typo and shit, lazy too correct it. night night flowers.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
just now i watched 'The Kite Runner'. i was inspired by the movie. really really nice la the movie. you people should watch it. its a movie base on book which i cant remember who the author is so find out yourself haha.
now im back tomy kim possible so talk more later. and hopefully i can do my econs paper later. and GOOD FREAKING LUCK TO THE SPM CANDIDATES!! p.s SPM sucks hahaha. and i hope i get to see walter tmrw. hehe.... =))
take care amigos! xo
Saturday, November 8, 2008
a great time will come for a great moment to party like hell!
Friday, November 7, 2008
OH OH my kitty cat 'Cik Yah' is back at home sleeping somewhere in the house. apparently she was at my neighbour's place but then my neighbour didnt know it was our cat cause nobody have actually seen her before so yeah. they took care of her and even bathe her! aaahh such a spoil cat just like my baby Cik Lat. she is way spoilt than Cik Yah ofcourse. she's my baby so i spoil her like mad la. im so happy she put on weight i know its not like she was damn skinny last time. i like fat ass cats dohh. they are just fucking cun kay. FAT and FIERCE. muka damn sombongg.. expensive cat u know. but fat ass must have nice fur la. haha. now my baby Lalat is way way waaaayyyyyyy cuterrrr.... gggrrrrr... hahaha
kay ah im BORED wey! im trying to figure out something better to do besides studying cause i wanna relax for a while but then im annoyed i cant watch my OTH! =( i wanna cry okay. eeeeee... my brothers are annoyingggg.. *forgive me if there's any errror, lazy to check ah.
here is the quote of the day.
"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Later flowers, x.
talk more later peeps, xx.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Quote of the day. its damn funny. from some movie i dont know. hahah
"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Well, who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the f--k do you think you're talkin' to?"
nways there's this cute guy in college looks malay but he's not. and his name is jeng jeng jeng.. DayShine.. oh Day Shine you shine my day.. hhahhahahha.. im sorryy!!! you are really cute but ur name is just funny. i apologise again. *Mi i bet if you read this you'll laugh and try and make jokes out of it! hahha.. but seriously he's tall and skinny and cute... haaaaaa... *drools. LOL as you know i like em tall and skinny. =D this morning when i reach college his car is just behind mine, and we got out of the car the same time. so i can say it now, you Shine my Day but it was early morning and raining ah. haha. sorry you who i actually have never talk to before.
Nways where the hell is Az i wanna get out of here and eatt... gaaaaaaaaaahhhh....
3 more papers to go! dang!
talk more later. chiow. x
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
black house, lol
Nways today is BORING! have to my formula sheets for maths tmrw. paper starts at 7 freaking AM! GAH! and i still have my ciggies. haha my god gila wasted kay my money. REGRET!! nyeh.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Later yo, xx.
Monday, November 3, 2008
walternize. hahaha
im so walternize! HAHA
talk more later. x
Sunday, November 2, 2008
wasted sunday
its really nice to know that you still care and still do love me. =)) love you always silly. and im sorry like i really am sorry.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
btw i got my book already, ELEVEN MINUTES. im actually enjoying it. Good book. and the movie PENELOPE. AWESOME SHIT WEY!!!! and one tree hill is getting better and better.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
we humans always make mistakes and sometimes we learnt from it sometimes we dont. humans are a stubborn creature. i didnt say what i really wanted to say, i felt like it was best to say the things that i think is better for us. i see very little effort i guess u dont really want it after all so i didnt say what my heart really felt. you kissed me and then nothing happen so yeahh. dude you made me melt and i was in cloud nine. but hey i guess i deserved to be treated like that for leaving you in the first place so i dont blame you. after all i was the bitch in this situation, and i truly am sorry. i do love you and thats for sure. if we cant be together is okay just show me that you still do care is good enough already. i miss you silly.
"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were." - Khalil Gibran
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I swear to god im so so soooo gonna miss them! they rocks and its nice surrounded by chinese.. hahahaha! and im gonna miss looking at Walter too. haha. Love you guys dohh. Especially AZ, PING, TRACEE, JEN, KAJAN, CARMEN! =) Mwaahh Mwaahh and hugs to you guys! hehe
"Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing." -Elie Wiesel.
Finals Time table, grr.
6th Nov - Mathematical Studies
7th Nov - Legal Studies
11th Nov - Economics
18th Nov - Accounting Studies
Monday, October 27, 2008
Later yo! im out going for deepavali at some person's hse. haha good day!
Quote of the day! =)
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart." -Helen Keller
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
1. The Air I Breathe.
2. Quid Pro Quo.
3. Becoming Jane.
Not Yet.
1. Kinsey.
2. No Country For old Men.
3. Manhattan.
Finals in 1 week and a half. gaaaaaahh!!!!.... STUDDDDDYYYYYYY....
in 3 weeks plus, it will be over..!!!!!!!
im taking my time to make a move. =) cant wait for HSM 3, lol.
Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. -Becoming Jane.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
MYOB for accounting is done and God i had it.
Saw jenan yesterday. weeee.. and i saw rainbow too!! aaaahhhh...
well watever happens happen la. and i gotta admit im in love with chinese guys weyyy. haha
cant wait for finals to be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 weeks of classes, 1 week holiday and then 3 finals!!!!!!!!!!!! then PROM! hell yeah!
sorry havent update my blog in a while, lazy ah. lol.
you know you love me, xoxo. LOL
Thursday, October 9, 2008
hope my part for moot court would go fine. InsyaAllah.
finals in 2 FUCKING WEEKS!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
tmrw back to college which i hate. gaahh.