I dont really know what to say here. I've been on Tumblr too much. Haha. So its around two weeks more before I leave for Adelaide. I'm pretty excited about it of course. I've started packing! Hahaha. It was a difficult task because I have so many clothes and I wish I could take them all with me but I can't so yeahhh. I did my best to lessen the amount of clothes. I can say it was a success so far. There a still little little things that I need to pack in. I made space for that so most probably it would be okay. :)
I am excited because there's so many things that I am going to face. New challenges, new experiences, new adventure! Thinking about it just makes me pretty happy and curious. Hehe. However still kinda scared but I'll face it eventually. Its only for a year so I'll be back soon. I have to go through this before reaching my dreams. These are one of the steps that I need to take to fulfill my dream.
Insyallah everything will go smoothly.