Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 6, 7 & 8

I have missed quite a lot of days for this 30 days challenge thing. Oh well. I'm gonna continue three days more. :D

6. Your views on mainstream music
Aha my views on mainstream music? This is interesting. Okay I'm not so sure what I'm gonna say. Lets see. Mainstream music are music played on the radio and televisions which some of them are not my cup of tea and some are well done. Some are just over played and it makes the song becomes blehh. Its like the first time you heard it, it was nice and then its just plain annoying now. Haha. But I'm not one to judge much in music but I enjoy various kinds of music genre. Its nice when you are open with any kind of music. It makes the world a better place somehow. Silly but true. Mainstream music are usually music that are followed by the current music genre which sometimes saddens the mainstream music scene. We need variety, we are greedy for variety. I just feel that the radio now are not as fun as it used to be. Last time they play really good music with soul but now its just about partying, drinking, getting naked, etc. I mean those are fun but dude music mostly should be something deep and soulful yo. Yups thats what I think but I do enjoy some party music too sometimes but still prefers the soulful kind of music. The ones that just takes me to a better place than reality.

7. Five pet peeves
I had to google what pet peeves means. Haha. My vocabulary aint that amazing kay. Anyway, I just dislike when people disturb me especially at the wrong timing. When I'm eating, sleeping and in the lazy mood. Secondly, I dislike drivers that tailgate and drive as if in they are in a hurry and cut you then drives slow. Like seriously dude what the hell man. Thirdly, I get annoyed easily I'm not really sure on exactly why but I do. Sometimes I dislike people asking me questions but that depends on what kind of questions too. Then also sometimes I dislike when someone cleans something but they didnt clean it properly. I get really particular on things like that. I'll re-clean it. Haha. Thats all I can think of.

8. What you ate today
Well I had my breakfast. I made sandwich! It has beef bacon, cheese and salad. I toasted the bread though and put butter cause I like it like that. :D And had a banana. I eat fruits after every meal when I eat at home :)

P.S - Sorry if theres some errors, too lazy to reread them. :) Have a good day! x

What worries you, masters you. -John Locke

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 3, 4 & 5

Book you love
I've quite a few books that I love but if I had to choose I'll choose To Kill a Mockingbird. I really enjoyed reading it. It was beautifully written. I really connected with the book and used my imagination to visualize the story. The little girl, she's so young and just so pure you just can't help but adore her. And it did make me feel like I was a little girl too just connecting with her throughout the whole book.

Bullet your whole day
Woke up early on a Sunday. Cleaned up the room since I had guest coming. My classmates came over and we had to do video shooting for one of our tutorial classes. It was about too much of something is no good. So I was playing as the lead actor and I had too much of The Beatles going on. It was really funny. Shooting it. It was fun. But man was it hot outside. It was a productive day. Took a shower and nap after. Had dinner and watch a Korean variety show which was super hilarious. Korean variety show for the win man.

Things you want to say to an ex
Maybe to those who I have dated, thanks, thank you for all the experiences. I've become a better person throughout the good and the bad times.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1 and 2

I decided to do another 30 days challenge.

Day 1 - Five ways to win your heart

1. Love
2. Laughter
3. Good conversations
4. Food
5. Passion

Day 2 - Something you feel strongly about

Finding, waiting, searching for that special person.