Wednesday, December 30, 2009
before 2009 ends
2009 has been a splendid year, although like every year there will always be shitty moments but dont forget good memories are the ones that make year worth while. Just remember the good memories, whats done is done. My 2009 started out wonderful then comes some shitty moments then came again the wonderful moments so yeah. Met great people, had so much laughter, new experiences and etc.
This year I finally accomplished my mission with bright colors, altho it aint flying colors but still I'm satisfied, I'll do better next time. I can say that I have no regrets.
So 2010 is coming, I'm going to accomplish some new challenging mission and ready to take all the opportunities with a smile and an open heart. I'm ready to boggie for 2010 with everything that I have.
To those I met this year, I'm glad I met you guys :)
To those great people that passed away this year may you guys rest in peace.
Your souls will always be with us.
Have a Happy New Year everyone!
Have a blast, dont forget to smile, dont forget to laugh.
Take care always flowers, xo.
I'll be back soon.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well to those who are having holidays, have a good holiday.
Cheerio, xo.
Take care.
Friday, November 6, 2009
sweet memories
I was the last one to leave the freaking exam hall for Economics exam. I feel like a total nerd but whatever la. Then the next paper wasn't that bad too. Then it was time to say our goodbyes. We took pictures. Then I hugged everyone that was there. Monkeys and I lepak at the mamak for abit, laugh laugh laugh. Then went to see Ms Mary. Ah isn't she the sweetest lady ever! We chat for abit and we hugged. Yes we did, she had her arms open offering us a hug. When we hugged I felt like tears are coming out from my eyes, i mean where else tears would come from anyway. So yeaahh. I somehow feel quite sad in a way. I'm going to miss each one of my classmates deeply including the lecturers that thought us. This is definitely a sweet sweet memory. :) I dont know why but I couldnt cry. I wanted to but tears are not coming out. So all I could do was to just be at that very moment and cherished it deeply.
This is the second time I had to say goodbye to college. Hopefully, which I'm pretty much sure that I'll pass and go to degree next year. Hoping for good grades tho.
Boy, why do I even care too much. But whatever it is I am here, always. I'm still going to hang around. My heart is not ready to let you go yet. And I miss you.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
adios, nights.
Happy Birthday Ryo

Saturday, October 31, 2009
its saturday
After finals is over, I can't wait to get my new room done. All white, ah so gorgeous! Hehe.
So remember I talked about stranger, haha I'm sorry I have to call you that my dear. But anyway since I got used to a week of receiving your phone calls everyday, its going to be two weeks nw. Plus its more than one phone call a day, mostly. I got addicted to it. Now without miss I just wait for my phone to ring. And yes remember I told you, you have a special ringtone. Its one of my favourite song by Big Bang hehe. Its called We belong together. Lol. And nowww, I'm confused because I think I like you. Shit. What say you? I dont know. Remember it was suppose to just be a game? Hmm..
I'm glad now that slowly I have been thinking more about positive things. This is good. I want to go party SIM ALTHEA JASMINE! I want to go Malaccaaaaa! Grrr! Like what Jasmine said, Sim can go see the dog. HAHA :P Althea with that creepy Bala dude LOLOL. Ah I love you guys sia.
Why is my post suddenly so emo one? Ee yerr. But actually I feel like I need a good cry. Should have watched Time Traveller's Wife instead of that stupid Jennifer's Body movie. Its a thriller movie, but I laugh as if it was comedy. Ah sorry ah. Certain stuff in it I just find it hilarious. Hehe
Aite have a good weekend everyone.
Later, flowers. xo
Friday, October 30, 2009
Btw today was my last day of class for my Foundation. Hell I'm gonna miss you people, like what Sim said we were like a family despite all the offended or whatever lahh. Haha. I kinda agree with her. Will miss you guys very much since you know, I practically see you guys every bloody day since January! Hope to see most of you guys in degree! Good luck with finals sweets.
Okay back to studying. Hehe
Later flowers, xo
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I miss listening to Ms Yamagata. Therefore she and Mr.Buble will be in my playlist from now on. My attempt to study was a half success, which is actually pretty good. Yeay me! I been tuning in to, as always they never failed to provide me good music at night time.
So you came back again, not sure how long you're going to stay. But you know I'll never fail to get excited everytime you show your presence. :) And hope you'll listen to the song I dedicated to you.
This stranger person, apparently I get excited telling Mi about him. And Mi I miss you! And screw that bloody asshole with that stupid Gen2! Nway, stranger and i are testing each other to see how long will it take for us to make the first move to call or text one another. I have a feeling I might lose. Haha Oh well. I'm not much of an ego person, so yea.
Anyway, why am I blogging la? I should be studying. But going to bed instead.
Night flowers, xo.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm still somewhat in love with you but you as always kept disappearing. You make me sad and sometimes you still manage to get me excited everytime when I can feel your presence.
Then a stranger came a long and its somehow making my life interesting. But I'm still uncertain with this situation.
I felt like its just going to be a game. Therefore I have to play my cards right so that I wont fall wrongly. But somehow I felt like you do care a little since you bother to call and text me most of the time and also you are curious over certain things as well. Haha
Aite, thats it. Going to be missing for a while. Gotta study study study.
Take care flowers. xo
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
note to God
Monday, October 12, 2009
wah liau
I have a problem now, NUFAN's gig I have no company. Mi cant make it. Lazy to elaborate why. Haha, If you're reading this I know you feel bad. :P Dont be ah, its totally cool. Oh and Gene's going but takkan suddenly want to tag along with him and his friends? Malu la sial. Hahaha. Tah la see how la nanti. Geram betul LOLOL.
Last night I finished my Islamic Studies written assignment and boy dont I feel like the world's biggest hypocrite. But fuck it its for the grades. Same goes to my research paper. These assignments are making me going against my views for the sake of getting the grades. Its okay la, to lazy to argue like a mad cow trying to talk about my views. Too much work ah.
I'm just counting down the days for the moment. Apparently for a lot of things. Haha. Been saving money too. For future use. :)
Oh and I downloaded a few movies, Yeah baby! Cant wait for finals to be over then I can laze around, watch movies, read my books, play the ps2 and try playing the ps3 also. Hahaha.
Okay ah, have to continue my research work.
Later, xo
3 weeks
Someone's coming this weekend. Super excited yet scared. How do I greet you love?
Can't wait!
Goodnight lovers
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Someone's gonna come here sooooooooonnn! Cant Wait! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Chiow, xo
Monday, October 5, 2009
The room is shit messy. Gonna shift to the new room soon, when I'm free and rajin. I'm counting down the days till finals. Then we all can go party and drink another the stars again. And i'll be having 2 months break till bloody degree next year.
Eh Zoukout 2009 is on 12 December. I want to go but not sure. grr
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I need your help everyone, please!
Its for my research paper. Pretty pleaseeee..
wtf life
Friday, October 2, 2009
list list
Oh btw No Use For A Name a.k.a NUFAN are coming to town. Forgot to brag about it before. And 90% chance I'm going. Hehe. Super Excited.
Apparently I have a lot of lists, not just a wishlist but also movie list andddd event list! Wohhoo! All the listing will be done when the fire in hell has reduce ya.
Boy you are one complicated guy but still I'm hanging on to you :)
Gotta go nw.
Chiow Flowers, xo
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
random updates
Deftones is just Awesome and is always my favourite music to listen to when I’m in stress. haha.
Our trip to Malacca is delayed until the semester ends! Its okay Sya, it’s in a month time or so. haha we are so going right after the bloody finals. Urgh finals! Sei lo. then Karabau baby!
I have my Saturday planned out already, looks really fun. Super excited about it. hehe
I have a lot of assignments due on 2nd Oct till 9th Oct. ITS HELL! And I’m still procrastinating. Its baadddd, really. All I been doing is sleep sleep and eat. I’m no longer a pig but slowly becoming a fat pig. Ee yerr, super unattractive sia, lol.
I became a twitter addict, in 2 or 3 months I have 500 tweets already! aha! It became more addictive when I downloaded Twhirl for my laptop, super easy to update my twitter and reply my tweets. Kudos to Seesmic! and also Tweetdeck.
Anyway, I hope you don’t fade away, although it seems like you are, slowly. Well I just need to have more faith i guess. If not its okay, Life is a sexually transmitted disease. It can’t be help that it can be bitch.
chiow flowers, xo
Friday, September 25, 2009
forget about your girlfriend and meet me at the hotel room ;)
the song is catchy ah, its by Pitbull - Hotel Room Service.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
hari raya
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
3 in one.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
excited and not
i need to start up my engine. theres too much to do. i might have to increase the speed as well, as theres not much time to waste.
raya is coming in two weeks! YEAYYYY!!!
take care, flowers
Friday, September 4, 2009
btw check out the good shortfilms from our very own malaysian film makers, just click the banner at the side.
and we planned on a trip, i know im touching wood but i hope it will happen, our trip. i need it.
take care flowers.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
when boredeom seeks
i think its the internet, its fucking slow. cibai.
night flowers, xo
Sunday, August 30, 2009
sunday evening
i just realized that i have a lot of weird habits, weirdo. lol
i think that, the world is a funny place.
and i envy those lovers
tomorrow is MERDEKAAAAAA!!!!!!
i love Malaysia!
later, xo
tattoos i likeeeeeee!
this is like super duper mother fuckingly awesome!!! Chris Garver from Miami Ink, Shige from Japan and etc is going to be there! Sim we have to go!! hehe. this is like the closest thing for me when it comes to tattoos, since i like body art but cant have it on my body, sighh. i shall just go around praising other people's tattoos. haha sad i know but what can i do. oh i'm just so excited for this. super cool wey! hehe :D tatto lovers / body art lovers lets go and have fun! wohhooo..!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
i dont know
i miss watching my movies and japanese dramas. i want money, i regret spending it too much like air. i hate the fact that i can't understand men. hmm. and i miss the trips that me and my monkey friends had! after all this nonsense with college we are so going out of the city! cuti cuti Malaysia people!
you disappeared again, although last night the words were nice but it was just for a second. i miss you, please come back to me and stay longer.
i wish and pray that the number of people who are affected with H1N1 should stop increasing. and also fasten the process with the vaccination thingy.
chiow flowers, xo
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
sakura random post
how random can i get right? the previous post was about my thoughts and laziness and my layout and now suddenly cherry blossoms and Japan? and not forgetting Ryo. hehe. oh well, the only human contact i been getting was from my family so forgive me for being lame, random or stupiddd.. haha.
i might just breakdown in tears anytime soon. why am i still hanging by a thread still? isnt it pointless? actually i feel like we are still strangers eventhough we've known each other for almost 3 months. hmm.. because of the feelings you gave me before made me like this. although i know you gave me mixed feelings, still i'm waiting around. wtf right. human nature isnt it? trying to make troubles for ourselves. unfortunately, everytime you called me baby, all these crazy thoughts goes away but only at that moment. then when you disappear, the thoughts start to haunt me back again.
this habit of mine has to go! pronto! i've become VERY lazy and i know it but i aint doing anything about it. seeeee!! ohh god! i dont know whats wronggg. i need some motivation to move my ass.
the shortfilms by the Malaysia directors that i've seen so far, amazing amazing! :) i'm so proud of our Malaysians trying to make a difference! someday, i'll be in the same shoes as you guys. i'll try to make a difference for the country too! by telling stories for the quiet Malaysians. 1Malaysia baby!
nways, i'm happy that Merdeka is coming soon! but can't really celebrate it due to puasa but its okayy! we should celebrate our country everydaaayyy nway!! and i''m super duper excited for Hari Raya!!! wohhhooo.. i can't wait.
to those who are sick, Get well soon yaa!! drink lots of water! and i think the weather has been great these days!
chiow flowers, xo
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
layout change
i've been having a lot of thoughts these days. about various things apparently. hmm. i dont know ah, just too much in the head but nothing out. i hate this apparently. and my reality escape is watching sopranos. lol
i think i dont like my new layout, ill change it. hmm
why am i still hanging by a thread?
damn it sia. i need to keep moving forward.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
lazy fasting highschoolmates
fasting month is coming VERY soon, more like this saturday and i thought it was next week! hahahahaha. i havent finishing ganti my puasa!!! 2 more daysssss!! aaaaaahhh!!!! dammmnnn.. nw i have to double it, grrr. i'm so sorry Allah. i didnt do my job properly. blame my period last week and being sick this week and that i got lost track of the dates. hehe.
today i chat with Dwayne from my highschool! shorty its beeeeenn a long time since we meet! i wonder how tall you are now! hehehe. and i miss my cina boys from highschool! haha. you see i'm very multiracial person one. i can be friends with anyone in school. i got rempit friends too. dont play playyy. hehe
had dinner at A&W with Keyna and Syafiq just now. MISS YOU GUYS, grrr. hehehe. then after that very full dinner. i had to used the loo, more than once. gaarrrrr..
i'll just have to get used to the idea of you appearing and disappearing.
well i like you enough to get used to it, i'll be fine.
night flowers, xo
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
sick and tired
the 15Malaysia shortfilms is awesome. you should check it out. the shortfilms are really short but it gives out unique and deep messages. it makes you think. hehe
come back only if you are going to stay, if not dont bother.
i needed you but you werent there. hmm
get well soon friends who are sick :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
i'm still wondering what you want from me. i think you would know what i want from you. but maybe you just dont understand girls well. i dont know, yet i'm still waiting, although i was at the point of giving up. because i still care and like you. i couldnt find anyone like you thats why i'm still holding on.
night flowers, xo
Friday, August 14, 2009
I guess I have to say that, sometimes death has it own advantages. When someone important passed away that’s when you would actually realize things that you should realize before.
Well I was really touched by that beautiful film of Yasmin’s.
So flowers take a time off and go watch it. It’s worth it. :)
And the soundtrack is just beautiful, credits to Pete Teo, Aizat, Atilia and etc
much love, xo

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
screw men
because two years being together and you had another girl throughout the whole time we were together. i mean WTF man. so all the things that happen was just crap crap crap. bullshit yo! life is life. it fucks you up sometimes.
well not all la liars but somehow i felt like most of them ah. so yeah.
have a good day. ladies beware of men. hahahaha
i hope you're not like that boyy..
its Talentime!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
the superbike guy
im sleeepy and tired. still trying to adapt to the idea of five bloody days of college in a week. so used to having fridays off. grr.
you appeared but im somehow curious over certain things, but im happy that your existence can be seen.
later, xo.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
one of Ryo's song
P o t e n t i a l
The curtain sways softly,
Every now and then, the morning sun peeking through the opening.
I lay about, hour by hour.
The TV I forgot to turn off,
Changed from a soccer broadcast to a montage picture.
Softly and cruelly, the sun rises and falls.
The future that I had pictured could not be found here.
[And] I lost sight of everything,
Even the ideal self that I had aimed for,
Forgetting, feeling pressed and hesitating.
Today as well, the sun goes down.
In this city that lacks stability, if I were to stumble,
I felt like I was going to get trampled on.
I was searching for something to hold on to.
Worrying only about my public image,
I stared at the shadows reflecting on the asphalt,
While preserving the delicate balance between right and left.
My reflection on the show-window
Smiling through my tears, like a clown.
Even if I cry-out or sing,
I felt like it wouldn't reach anyone's ears.
My dreams, along with my voice are fading.
Today as well, will I go on blaming things on everyone?
Will I continue being suspicious and losing sight of myself?
I wanted to lean on something.
[And] I kept on searching for that certain something.
The future that I had pictured could not be found anywhere.
I'm on the verge of losing sight of everything.
I get hurt,
But nothing I smear on can heal the pain.
Even if I start to recover, I end up scratching it again.
Blood and tears just overflow.
Even if I cry-out or sing,
And even if no one hears me,
For you, I will not give up.
The rest of your hidden potentials,
Build it up gradually.
I am lacking something.
I'm just searching for the missing piece.
Soon, the moon will shine.
Before us is a night full of sparkling stars.
See, there is also something shining over there.
I'm going to grab hold of it this time.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
stories films hearts
oh and we had michelle post bday celebration at sunway pyramid just now. i didnt fast today because of her. hehe :D well my craving for pizza has stopped cause thats what we had just now. waahh super full and cheesy weyy.. and we played pool after that, sadly not all of us. sim althea jasmine and me. oh and i bought Gubra by Yasmin Ahmad cause i didnt get the chance to watch it before. and guess what i watched it, straight after i got back home.
and yes it was amazing. she's amazing. it was touching and beautiful. a job well done because she's the storyteller that knows how to touch others heart. :) cant wait for the other films of hers to be in the dvds so i can buy them all. weeeee. love you Yasmin! May you rest in peace. and your movies never missed to make me cry. i'll always end up in tears when watching. hehe
im glad that you're responding.
i have been missing you.
make sure you take care of yourself.
i too want to be a story teller. tell others great stories that inspires. fiction or non-fiction it doesnt matter as long as it help others and touch others heart. humanity and love will always be in those stories.
p.s i miss listening to light&easy.
talk more later flowers, xo
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
nways im packed with tons of work but then sadly im not trying as hard as i should to work my ass off. haha. will do, soon kay. later by tonight aite. basically its been a nice beginning of a new semester ah. sleepy is back frm holidays. ahahaha. super kawaii :D nways ill continue blogging stuff later later ah. im kinda lazy.
letting go isnt easy. im trying, really.
chiow flowers, xo
Saturday, August 1, 2009
kay moving on.. i like playing pool. its super fun. sim and i thought of playing snooker one day. hehe. and my arm is still retarded. haihh, so annoying ah pain pain pain.
grr. im depress now, sigh.
and i watched the movive, obsessed just now. lol
chiow, xo
Thursday, July 30, 2009
eye candy
so nwaaayyss.. back to my pain story from the previous post. it was my very own cat Cik Yah that bit me, cause she got stuck between the freaking automatic gate. idiot also, cause she knew i was opening the gate she quickly went thru the side thinking she's the flash. grrr but i felt bad cause i was the one who opened it. andd at that time i was in a hurry. i was late, class was at 8 and it was 7.30 at that time and it was raining. so yeaahh. well she's fine, thank God. and im fine too. just have to bear with the pain, which it still hurts now. haihh.. the place where i get injected at my arm which is near my shoulder, whatever you call that part is, i mean its at the place where the doctor always give you an injection ah, kay thereee. its hurtingggg. gah, in one freaking hand, my left hand ah, i have two pain to deal with. haiyaa..
oh andd, you know i never told you that i actually have an eye candy in college :) but i dont know who he is but apparentlyyyyy i have a friend who knows him. hehe. since i dont know his name so i call him my leng chai. :D he's is aaaahhhh super good looking (for me aahh) and i always see him in formal wear, so yess thats why i have my eyes on him. funny thing is that im not sure whether he's chinese or malay. haha!
ohh and nowww i have lots of thinking to do about several things. aahh my brain needs to work properly since i kind switched it off for two weeks. nyehh.
i'm doing just fine with the situation im in.
later flowers, xo.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
somehow this time, i cant let it be.
semester 3 starts tmrw. praying for better semester,better grades and better experiences. :)
goodnight flowers, xo
RIP Yasmin Ahmad
She was reported to have suffered a stroke and brain haemorrhage
Friday, July 24, 2009
still waiting, wishing, wondering
but im praying at the same time for Yasmin Ahmad.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
lets all pray
Ya Allah please, give her strength, please please please. save her.
happy not
you, i dont know. you are driving me crazy yet im still waiting. hmm
i want to see you or atleast hear your voice, it would make me very happy.
i think i have a crush on Caprice. haha :D he's sexyyyy..
later flowers, xo
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
hope is a lie
what is it that you really want?
tell me, i need to know.
Monday, July 20, 2009
move move
p.s im actually super lazy to blog, dont know why but yeah. im making an effort apparently.
Friday, July 17, 2009
what now
1. brothers and sisters season 1 and 2. thanks to Simitha! :D
2. the bride and the father. (japanese) thanks to Mi.
3. proposal daisakusen. (japanese), thanks to Mi again
i had tears watching all these dvds
well im gonna watch sopranos season 1 since i found the dvd in my brother's room. hehe. and maybe any movies that i can find to help me kill tim during the holidays. today im going for my cousin Sabrina 18th birthday. and tmrw will be going for Bon Odori Festival =) and MAYBE to Afiq's birthday after the festival. nyehh. i have been going out since last saturday. lol
you are confusing me yet i'm still here, wondering.
im waiting for that fullmoon that i feel in love with.
you were always on my mind and it cant be helped.
i tried to avoid thinking about you but i think about you even more.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
tagged by my bestfriend but she didnt tag me first, RAWR!
ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: not really except for one person, yes
B - BIRTHDAY: 10 april
C - CRUSHING ON: malacca boy
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: plain water
F - FAVORITE SONG: too many apparently.
I - IN LOVE WITH: Nishikido Ryo!
J - JUGGLE: dont know how
K - KILLED SOMEONE: if i tell you, i have to kill you.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: terengganu, penang, singapore?
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: vanilla and chocolate
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 4 brothers and a sister
O - ONE WISH: to have more wishes
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: he didnt picked up tho, haha it was Gene
R - REASON TO SMILE: seeing others smile :)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 1pm something
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: stripes, turqoise grey
V - VEGETABLE(S): green veggies baby
W - WORST HABIT: easily distracted and lazy
Y – YOYOS ARE: not my thing
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: aries
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Wn Nrsyzln
What color do you wear most?: red i think
Least favorite color?: blue
What are you listening to?: fan sound lol
Are you happy with your life right now?: can say so
What is your favorite class in school?: english! human comm ;)
When do you start back at school/college?: in 2 weeks time
Are you outgoing?: i guess so
Favorite pair of shoes?: my flip flops, my voir and elite wedges
Where do you wish you were right now?: out of the city
Can you dance?: i enjoy dancing
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: no
Can you whistle?: can ahh
Write with both hands?: ya sure, but my left hand writing, its a miracle if you can understand it.
Walk with your toes curled?: hmm
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: if there is, its cool wey
Do you believe in miracles?: yeah
Do you believe in magic?: no, i believe in magic TRICKS
Love at first sight?: i do. LOL
Do you believe in Satan?: aahh the devil..
Do you believe in Santa?: since i love christmas, ya santa. hohohoho!
Do you know how to swim?: a lil bit
Do you like roller coasters?: ya but not the crazy ones
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: food yes but insects and some weird animal organs? ewww. no no no.
Have you ever been on a plane?: ya
Have you ever asked someone out?: ya
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: ya
Have you ever been to the ocean?: ya
Have you ever painted your nails?: ya
What is the temperature outside?: i dont know
What radio station do you listen to?: light&easy, mix, hits, red, etc
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: i cant recall
What was the last thing you bought?: dunhill light for my brother
What was the last thing on TV you watched? : brothers & sisters.
Who was the last person you IM'd?: cant remember
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: some couple being all manja with each other and the girl was wearing a friggin cosplay outfit!
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Mi
Ever really cried your heart out?: ya
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: ya
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: ya
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: LOL ya
Do you cry when you get an injury?: it depends
Do certain songs make you cry?: ya
Are you a happy person?: can say so
What can make you happy? : nishikido ryo, getting a text msg from gene and my cats, my friends.
Do you wish you were happier?: you can never be happier than you already have.
Can music make you happy?: YESYESYES without a doubt.
How many times have you had your heart broken?: several times.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: not yet.
What is your current hair color?: brown and black
Current piercings?: 5 left, 4 right and wants more. lol
Have any tattoos?: i wish i can have a permarnent one,
Eye color?: brown
Favorite eye color: any
Short or long hair: any
Height: taller than mua
Best clothing: anything that suits him.
Been to jail: no *choi aa*
Mooned someone: hell no
Laughed so hard you cried: yes yes
Cried in school: ya, khalid punched my nose! grr
Thrown up in a store: more like at a bar LOLOLOL
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: i think got.
Gone skinny dipping: SOMEDAAAAAYY!
Pepsi or Coke: vanilla coke
McDonald's or Burger King: any
Single or Group Dates: singleeeee
Chocolate or Vanilla: depends
Strawberries or Blueberries: blueberries
Meat or Veggies: chicken!
TV or Movie: Movies
Guitar or Drums?: both
Adidas or Nike: nyehh.
Chinese or Mexican: chinese, japanese :D
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Honey stars.
Cake or Pie: cakeeee
Friday, July 10, 2009
yeah yeah yeah
he is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
you caught my heart hehe
ttyl flowers, xo
Thursday, July 9, 2009
almost there
LAST paper tmrw but its IMC meaning harddddddd..
kay kay no more CHOI-ing *touching wood* hehe
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
out of nowhere
im annoyed. aaaaaaaaaaaaargghhh.. one word FUCK OFF. but why? I HAVE NO IDEA! wth la right? had to send mum all the way to subang and dude i was just there just now for college! then yesss i got lost after sending her, went to shah alam because fuck knows which part of subang i was at. followed whatever mum said but it turns out wrong i dont know ah. damn cibai. super annoyed. those fucking drivers too. yes yesss. today i was a cibai driver, sorry mates. its not a good night for me. i guess period is coming. out of nowhere im like super pissed off.
so nway the moon tonight, fucking exquisite, the color is not the same as two nights ago. this one is THE SHIZNIT! fuck awesome. yes all my sentences have swear words. i apologise, i just cant help it but whatever its my blog. but again THE MOON IS BEAUTIFUL! but considering im living in the freaking city i dont see many stars more like no stars. if not it could add on to they beauty of the night sky that God has created for us.
okay im off now, gotta go STUDY STUDY STUDY. so they say laa.. bought redbulls already. been craving for it. hah! kaaayy. oh fuck yeah! saw my leng chai in college. but shit i have no idea who you are but i know you are super good looking to me. =))
you're still unpredictable, but its okay i like you.
xo flowers.
Monday, July 6, 2009
fly me to the moon
where did you go? why oh why..
love is a battlefield.
im not happy, im distracted and confused.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
haha sure
Think back six months ago, were you single? Who are you dating?
i was not available because i was busy missing ilyas. hehe :D
What do you carry with you at all times?
my smile haha
When you say you don't care, do you mean it?
it depends on the situation cause sometimes i really dont care =/
How are you feeling?
Is something wrong right now?
not really, its just me you know, paranoid.
Are you mad at someone?
annoyed, yes
What's on your mind?
finalfinalsfinals, and boyy you make me wonder a lot
Are you jealous of someone right now?
i dont know, maybe.
Do you want to start over with anyone?
whats done is done bro.
Do you know if anyone likes you?
i wish i know whether you do like me or not. haha
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
wuuu, yaa
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
True love or 1 billion bucks?
money money money.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
they always says your mata SEPET! hahaha :D
Anything you would change about your life right now?
probably, maybe, perhaps, not so sure laa
Could you cry right now?
Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
quite a lot
Are you okay with the life you live?
Last person you told a secret to ?
Do you like hugs?
yes, cuddles in bed.
Do you believe true love can conquer anything?
apparently so.
When was the last time you cried?
quite recent tho but cant remember when it was. i guess it was one of those movies i watched
How much money did you spend today?
What's something you really want right now, be honest.
the truth and answers.
How do you feel about your hair right now?
haha good question! i just had a haircut yesterdaaayyy.. i guess i like it. but grr its a lil shorter than i wanted it to be. nyehh
What did you do yesterday?
i was being a nice cousin, sister and bestfriend. picked them up and sent them wherever they wanted me to. then Mi and i went to the salon and we both have almost the same hairstyle now. altho mine is a lil shorter. nyehh then we went to damai with Li, and lepak with Mi until i fell asleep. sorryy Mi! i fell asleep.
Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret?
hmm. depending who she told. communication is irreversible anyway.
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you speak with them?
Mi, Alissa, Cik Lat, gene, friends and collegemates.
When's the last time you said you were fine and you really weren't?
last saturday =/
Is someone on your mind right now?
yup yup
Who's birthday is coming up?
gene's and nadhir's, i dont really know many people who was born in july. aha
Were you happy when you woke up?
big no.
What's the last thing you ate?
cornflake cookies
Are you easy to get along with?
Ever cheated on someone?
Who is the last person to send you a text?
What are you currently listening to?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
"i was once skinny"
kay i have to study for my finals since i havent done shit..
still im not so sure about you.
later flowers, xo
Thursday, July 2, 2009
class event, AWESOME shit.

after all that fun, we played pool for three hours, and went drinking for abit. lepak lepak and chat here and thereeeee.. weeeee.. i had so much fun!
so much loveeeee...
you're a still unpredictable to me.
i feel super insecure
because i like you.
later flowers, xo
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I was tagged on FB by alissa
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your wedding plan, tag d people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. How old are you?
18 baby
2. Are you single?
apparently so
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
when the time comes
4. Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
didnt i answered that i was single?
5. if not, who do you want to marry?
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & best man?
My sister, Alissa, Amira
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
at a nice hill top at some country area somehwere in Ireland, New Zealand
or a nice simple beach wedding during the evening right before sunset then we enjoy the beautiful sunset.
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
Ireland, Spain, Europe
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
Family and close friends.
10. Will that include your exes?
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
i have no idea wey. simple simple enough already
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
if its on a hill top, morning. if its at the beach, evening.
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
Unforgettable by Nat King Cole feat Natalie Cole
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon,fork and knife?
normal only aaahh
15. Champagne or red wine?
champagne, wine, beer, liquor. haha
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
right after the wedding. haha
17. Money or household items?
money money money LOL
18. How many kids would you like to have?
aah shit kids, i guess not more than three tho.
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
depends, if we're not too busy. ;D
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
I tag nobody, lazy ah.
hope is a lie
i miss dancing, reading, one tree hill, cuddles in bed and long nice interesting conversation.
hope... is a lie that keeps you going.
i miss Heath Ledger.
xo, flowers.
Monday, June 29, 2009

im a fool for you
you called me, what a suprise, i never knew that you would actually call me.
so sweet of you to teman me do my work. made me giggled all the wayyy..
couldnt stop smiling and laughing. hehehe.. you made my day / night.
i was actually nervous and my heart was beating quite fast, wuuu... hehe
sweet dreams to you love.
I'll be that fool for you =)
hate hate hate
i just dont know what now
ah shit
Saturday, June 27, 2009
dont freak out but i think i like you hehe
Friday, June 26, 2009
finals coming soon
wish me luck aite. talk more later later. =)
where have you been all my life? ;)
xo flowers
Thursday, June 25, 2009
movies movies movies books
why is it that i always have to deal with distance?
i'm more stronger than i thought. God, He knows i can handle it.
but I need more faith to believe that i can.
later flowers, xo
Khalid's birthday
Monday, June 22, 2009
updates updates, good times that i had <3
I had the most wonderful time this past few days. On the 12th I went for Tracee’s farewell party. Sigh, she left already. Going to miss you babe. Hope you will have a blast in Melbourne. =) ohh and ofcourse jen was there and also my skinnyyyy friend, ping! Aaahh I miss you guys so muchhh! Including Az, Kajan and Carmen. Miss us bitching at the balcony and Ac during our breaks. You guys made my first ever time in college super awesome :D
I have pictures which I curi from tracee. hehe :D

Tracee, Jen, Me, Ping

me Rafah and Keyna
Us that were there. =)
And theeeeeeeenn the other highlight of my week! IPOH PENANG and MELAKAAAAA!! Original plan was Ipoh Penang Terengganu then Melaka the following week. But tak jadi, From Penang to Terengganu is too far. Went with our driver, Sim, Althea and Jasmin. Michelle joined us for Melaka. So yeah. But it was worth it. I had an amazing time, I consumed too much food I must say. Been eating like a pig that’s what they been calling me. Hehe.
I haven’t been to all these three places in so long so it felt nice, although I had trouble sleeping but it didn’t stop me. I’m happy that although the trip was for us to do our work but it was work and fun! So its nice. I hope our video will turn up nice *choi* hehe.
In Ipoh we ate Kuey Teow Soup and Chicken Rice with Togei (however you spell it), it was super sedap okay! Although it was at a Chinese shop, I just simply eat. Hehehe
Then went to Penang, Batu Feringi. Stayed there for the night. We reach the apartment then went out for dinner and drinking. It was nice, the wind was clean and it was just breezy. We walked from where we stayed to wherever our destination may be. So yeahh.. that night, Althea -> Smoker, Jasmine ->Alcoholic. Hahaha. =) =D
The next day we went for BANANA LEAF, GOOD STUFF WEY! I ate one whole banana leaf myself, hehehehe. Then went for Nasi Kandar, I was the only one who ate it. So yeah me pig. Nyehh! That was delicious too.. grrr. Jasmine and I bought clothes theree, it was pretty.. Then we left Penang went back to KL and stayed in our own houses for the night.
The following day, MELAKAAAA! The best ever shit wey! We went for Satay Celup and Putu Piring. Again good stuff. Then we went for jonker street, got pasar malam. Yes I bought stuff, hehehe which I cant help it. It was cheap!!! Then we went to a pub there, and lucky me I made the right choice to choose Karabau CafĂ©, cause I heard life music that was calling me with the wooden chairs outside the pub and the red walls they have. Hehehehe.. the staff were really friendly. And I met new ppl but silly me I didn’t get this one Pakistan’s guy number who was born in US and currently living in KL now. Nyehh, if not we could lepakk and stuff. Then we met Gene, super nice and not bad looking guy. Hehehehe.. him, I got his number. Haha, Interesing guy, really. Oh and Althea and Jasmine were drunk. Oh Jasmine and I sang on stage, I cant recall how many songs but it was more than five. Hahaha. That was my first time ever singing at a public area! And I tell you the feeling was amazing. I shall do it again, I guess.. I wish KL have a pub like that. Nyehh, will definitely try and go there again soon!
The following day was chicken rice ball, but we didn’t eat it, lazy to que. Then we went back to KL, I basically slept throughout the ride. Haha.

Our good friend. hehe , curi althea's picture.

I had enough, I shall talk more later ya,
Night flowers, xo