cheeenese name is walter. haha. and err i been lazy to layan the computer at home, since some shit happen. hahaha talk more later later.
i miss you blog. LOL
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
that chinese guy caught my eye wey. i've been seeing him alot this week because exam together. wish i have the guts to say hi to you. aim before graduate SAM, talk to him atleast once. haha. oh Az and i have a nickname for him. 'cheeeenese' hahaha there's a stupid story why. but malas nak cite. his hair, his piercing, his tall skinny body, cair la pulak. hahaha i know im lame. haha
btw exam da habis wey!! accounting mcm cibai sial, da la i came late, stupid bus. i feel like im gonna fail my maths, legal and accounts wey. hopefully i pass my econs cause i like econs. haiya.
hope can sleepover Mi's hse tonight.
btw exam da habis wey!! accounting mcm cibai sial, da la i came late, stupid bus. i feel like im gonna fail my maths, legal and accounts wey. hopefully i pass my econs cause i like econs. haiya.
hope can sleepover Mi's hse tonight.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
stupid sister, fucking useless. college is fucking annoying, damn busybody. i swear to god i feel like burning that bloody place. now kantoi, cause i skip alot of classes, cibai.
one last
huuuuuuuuuuu... i tell you aaa, my mid term sucks weyyy. fuck la, my maths and legal shit ahh. mesti fail. econs was shit too but hopefully pass ah. english was fine. lol. tmrw last paper, accounting! hahaha die man die. havent blog in a few days kinda miss it. currently at college. and waiting for islamic studies to start meh, 3.30 cepattt aaahh. malas nak tunggu lama2. after i finish my test ill just chiow. nak baliiikkk man. wuuuuu... i dont know wat else to say. i think tmrw ill just go amira's place and mont kiara instead of going to heritage with raisa, kena saving duit bai. haihh. avril lavigne punya pasal. haahaha but its fucking worth it ah! and i have to stay away from alcohol ah if possible for now. dont want to rosak kan my brain hahaha. but i feel like getting drunk cause of the bloody exam. hahaha.
Monday, July 21, 2008
tmrw another day to dieeeee.... ahahaha my mid exams starts tmrw and it ends on friday. and tmrw is my third driving class. haih damn scared cibai. so nway today didnt study but had my tuition just now. during the evening went swimming with haiqal. then we went to eat and k.a came when we finished eating. so just lepak2 there k.a also makan. he was kinda moody. so i was kinda scared to talk to him ngehh. dont be so moody darling , lol. so nway then went to cimb those ppl go keluar some duit then k.a sent haiqal and i at mont kiara. and we waited for mummy to be done with gym. then balik, drop haiqal at the lrt and rush for tuition. ahaha now im tired and going to bed. chiow ppl. gotta study in the bloody morning. oh and i skipped college today hahaha, i told daddy 'study leave' my ass la study leave. hahaha.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Avril Lavigne
Saturday, July 19, 2008
i spend the whole day doing notttthiiingggg. hahahaha except mengaji la. ate alot today seriously. and durian, delicious bai. finally my aircond is fixed! Mi can come sleepover anytime now. haha. so nwaaayy, on 2nd august got qatam al-Quran. so friends come ah if you want to see me in tudung. weeee, got free food too. lol. watched made of honor just now. it was okay nothing that special tho. heh. tmrw have to help mum sell her paintings. its gonna be a boring day tmrw. and seriously i have to fucking study !! oh God. exams next week wey. and after that partyyy!! but then have to study again, ngeh.
Friday, July 18, 2008
chuck bass
vroom vrroooommm vrrooommm... moooooving oonnn! this time is bloody hell over it already! no shit. hahaha to think back, dude its not fucking worth it to go all depress and sad about it. so yeaahh.. i have other things to deal with like my mid semester exam, its like next freaking week! shittt!!! so nway today after college was suppose to go watch movie with k.a but then tak jadi. instead went lepak with him and haiqal at klgcc. tu je ah. nothing much today lol. oh and i felt like kinda regret ah being with him, a bit ah, i dont know, but i was happy with him ah lol. okay dude over it okay, oveeeerrrr it. fullstop. done and done. haha. Mi knows im happy today. so its cool.
costim, thanks ey. i miss talking to you. heh, hugs.
costim, thanks ey. i miss talking to you. heh, hugs.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
im sorry Mi, i love you.
im trying to fly again. weeee.
today was a good day, tmrw will be a better day.
*i didnt eat chicken this week yet. yeay. =)
im trying to fly again. weeee.
today was a good day, tmrw will be a better day.
*i didnt eat chicken this week yet. yeay. =)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
i dont want to believe in love. i'm gonna stop looking for an answer. and im letting go of all the things thats been disturbing me. i am going to stop. now.
it was okay
im tired, i wont be sleeping tonight and im dying. college is killing me. i have my legal assignment due tmrw. fuck wey. im not done with it yet. haih. so nway. yesterday was weird. hartamas iu day, sucked. haha. it was nice lepaking with mi, alice, aiman and cam. the ppl i know that was there were abit sombong. so watever la. so after that went to aimans hse and went to vicenzo and guess who i saw. roy! ahaha didnt expect to see him. still cant believe it mi! so it was nice la the dinner eventho there were some dramas and shit. then we WALKED to d'haven, so much love la cousin. hahhaha. sorry mi aiman and cam. so i shisha abit, cam dapat shisha. suka la tuu. hahaha. then we went to sab's place. they played pool and just lepak je. sha was crazy over the vodka, i drank abit, fi's a hard drinker. there were mi, aiman, cam, sha, fi, jason and sab. then half of em had to go. sean came abit later with this friends. they brought a bottle of bicardi. haha. i was abit high. im suprise i can control myself. haha good job man. then sha passed out, memang totally out already. had to put her to bed. then they guys had to go already. then we slept i didnt care about anything i terus go to bed and slept like a baby. haha today got hangover ah. damn tired wey. had to wait half a day for abang to pick me up. it was boring waiting okay. but i did played pool abit. heh. nothing interesting really. it was all okay. currently im watching gossip girl. its nice. cam asked me to watch it. the guys are so pretty, seriously. gila turn on kan. haha wtf. and someone has sexy voice. =)
and i dont miss mubin. i just miss my hand being held and getting kisses. haha. i know its sad.
oh well. he's still broken. only time will tell. just wait.
if got errors and shit, screw it la.
and i dont miss mubin. i just miss my hand being held and getting kisses. haha. i know its sad.
oh well. he's still broken. only time will tell. just wait.
if got errors and shit, screw it la.
Friday, July 11, 2008
tmrw's plan. hartamas IU day. sabrina's birthday celebration. sleepover sabrina's place. okay. drag amira with me everywhere, yes!
Thursday, July 10, 2008

*just feeling abit emo-ish. wth
A broken heart can be cured by a sweetheart with the help of time. but Mi said, No. it might be a rebound instead of love. Yeah true. But still anything can happen. But i lost the war to Mi. haha. I think i like you but you're broken. What should i do? The pieces of my heart are slowly reattaching to be whole again. Real feelings have encounter back again, its makes me scared. No, it’s my time to be brave.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
hate college.
im tired
and fat.
i lost my touch.
i want to watch movie,
i wanna spoil myself.
its been awhile.
i want fun,
hugs and kisses too.
hate college.
im tired
and fat.
i lost my touch.
i want to watch movie,
i wanna spoil myself.
its been awhile.
i want fun,
hugs and kisses too.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
damn lazy weyyyy. banyak gila kerja. have to study lagi. cibai la. fuck college. cant wait till all this shit is over.. 4 more months!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
woke up like at 11am something. wanted to wake up at 8am i didnt, then tido balik haha. i slept early kot 12 something, damn sleepy. had fun talking to amira, cam and talib at msn last night. talib is fun to pick on, seriously. mootaleeb balls. hahaha. he keep on MIA all of sudden playing with his ball, then he went away saying he wanted to go watch tv but he's actually playing with his balls. hahaha. so nway today had lunch with my parents at sakae sushi at pavilion. damn full wey. didnt buy anything. daddy bought new wallet and mak got herself a new handbag. ceh. i can only get new stuff when i get GOOD GRADES. damn it. okay la, i will try my freaking best to do it and i do need it. i dont plan to FAIL. so yeah. i wanted blueberry cheesecake from Gloria Jeans tapi takde. damn it. that freaking cake is delicious wey. instead i bought rasberrycheese cake just wanted to try meh. haaaa, im gonna grow even fatter la like this. hahha. well i have to cut down eating all those not so healthy food. im doing my best here! im maid got angry at me saying i eat too much and i put on weight. dudeeee my fats semua masuk kat my pipi, thats why im TEMBAM! hahaha! nway, i have to betulkan my assignments. alot of work need to be done. oohh and i found a carton of dunhill menthol lights in my brothers room. hahah cun!!
challo, xx
challo, xx
Saturday, July 5, 2008

AMIRA, TALIB and AIMAN. has a wilted rose man at their msn nickname. LOVE TRIANGLE. ahahahaha.
i dont know why amira has it. but she told me she had her own reason *arent we like friends tak bagitau i pon! hahha. as for aiman maybe he wants to copy amira kot or MAYBE amira is the one who is copying him hohohoho. and talib maybe HIS LOVE FOR MI has WILTED or HIS HEART has WILTED. hahhahaahhaaha
right now, im having my so called hangover. and damn it, i got stomachache. hahaha. oh well last night or you can say this morning hahaha. went to China White. apparently i just found out it used to be called Sugar and some dj suggested the club should change the name or something. lol. its okay. first time going there anyway. thanks to Raisa for inviting me, couldnt go to curve so i went there instead haha. good job syaza lol. abg apis sent me and i had to pay rm30 for the cover charge. there were raisa and rashdan, aiman, idris and another two guys which i kinda forgot their name or actually i didnt asked them haha. i danced with aiman. he's nice. well the dancefloor was full of africans, seriously. apparently it was african asia night or something. oh anddd there was dj fuzz!! haha it was cool man. the dancefloor gila panas, i was sweating. haha. aiman was sweating too. hahaha. then we all took pictures, i think i look terrible. haha, Da la the guys went back like at 2am something ah. then only me , raisa and rashdan je. so okay i just lepak, smoking and shit. then wanted to chiow, suddenly tak jadi cause of the song in this club by usher. awesome song man, actually i think its like a horny song haha. so we decided to stay longer haha. then i was just standing up, raisa was infront of me but there were a table between us and rashdan was seating. raisa and i were just dancing and dancing. i was a bit tipsy already haha damnit. rashdan was funny he was like smiling and moving his head je. haha. i was actually enjoying myself haha. then suddenly a guy name MO, haha or Ricardo came to me. saying he wants to 'make me a good friend'. *LAME much. so anyway we talked then he's actually half mexican. nice. LOL then he got my number, wtf i bagi. so okay ah he's 20 hahah. then he chiow ada another guy came an afrin guy, i bet his older than mo. he used the SAME PICK UP LINE. I WANNA MAKE YOU MY REALLY GOOD FRIEND. *MY ASS LA! hahahaha. his name is err steve. yeahh. mo was better looking than him hahaha. but then both of them were complementing my dancing. haha what the fuck. then had to go ah. we walked out then i saw my brother. i couldnt walk properly haha. fucking hell i talked alot. we sent rashdan back to his apartment. then send raisa home at ukay. then i got home. i walked damn fast went to my room, took off my clothes even my bra. hahahah. i have my panty on ah LOL then went to bed. you have no idea, my bed was like HEAVEN i tell you. then i tidur mati. my mum knocked on my door i tak dengar. and she thought i keluar tak balik cause she go cari my room key and opened my door. how wonderful right, not! i hope tak kantoi, i sneaked out kot. hahaha fuck it. i wanted a night out and i did get it. and enjoyed myself. so yeah.
Congratulations to Raisa and Rashdan! =)
good day. x
Congratulations to Raisa and Rashdan! =)
good day. x
Friday, July 4, 2008
depress, im at home, too lazy to go college. becoming a biggger panda. fat with black circles under my eyes. not enough sleep. hahaha fuck. die die. i wanna go out!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
guys, they confuse you, and you'll end up going crazy wanting to know if they are interested or not.
and Mi, chill la. maybe he had something to do. and its okay, you have me and i know i'll always have you.
as for me, life's a dick, you cant fuck it when its short, you can only fuck it when it evolves and the hole will help you through it.
hahahaha WTF.
i lost my touch, and im becoming insecure, shittt...
and Mi, chill la. maybe he had something to do. and its okay, you have me and i know i'll always have you.
as for me, life's a dick, you cant fuck it when its short, you can only fuck it when it evolves and the hole will help you through it.
hahahaha WTF.
i lost my touch, and im becoming insecure, shittt...
i got bored so i wanna share something really random. it got pictures!! ahahaha
these are the scence from match point. very steamy and sexy scene. outdoor rainy sex, grrr. hahaha. this is one of the best part in the movie. so go watch MATCH POINT! haha.

well dream on syaza! i know, it doesnt hurt to dream right right. haih they are just so sexy.. :D
aaahh but i still prefer skinny guys with no ass. yeah shake your asses people. hahaha
sorry im BORED i tell you. okay wish me luck with my test. xx

jonathan rhys meyers is just plain sexy man. okay la i think he's short but its okay, sexy lips wey and his eyes damn, stunning. he's kinda old man 31 this year and he is from Dublin, Ireland! lagi sexy wey. hahaha wtf and see i got a picture almost topless. yea man!

chad michael murray his eyes is sexy too! like steamy2 like that, oh my God it makes me melt all the time! but i prefer him as Lucas Scott in one tree hill, duhh! can be stupid but wise and amazing. he's a bit younger than jonathan, he's 27 and from new york, new york! haha. i got a picture of him topless!! hahahaha. what a freak right? me. hahah sokaayy

and this guy i discovered from lupe fiasco's song, superstar. love this song man. so nway he is Matthew Santos. he's hot, i think ah. his voice also sedap some more. cun cun
aaahh but i still prefer skinny guys with no ass. yeah shake your asses people. hahaha
sorry im BORED i tell you. okay wish me luck with my test. xx
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
tmrw i die
THE AUSTRALIAN FREAKING CURRENT BLOODY ECONOMY IS KILLING ME. thankyou. so i hope i can keep my A standard for this test but then im not too sure if i can. cause i didnt really study, shit ah. oh well im gonna do my best and accept whatever and like the beatles song ah, 'let it be'. yeahh.
die die die.
and damn it, just now blackout. why oh why. and thank you God for giving the electricity back on! hate the dark, unless theres someone to teman me. i mean HUMANS la. hahaha.
okay gonna go back with studying. heh
oh and rahimi's back, yeay LOL
sweetdreams. x
die die die.
and damn it, just now blackout. why oh why. and thank you God for giving the electricity back on! hate the dark, unless theres someone to teman me. i mean HUMANS la. hahaha.
okay gonna go back with studying. heh
oh and rahimi's back, yeay LOL
sweetdreams. x
waaahhh what a day. just got back from gardens man. that was my second time went there and its longer than the first time i went there haha. last time i went for what 15mins then chiow. haha. mum force me to go there. so i took the advantage and bought a new pair of shoes! yes! mission complete. been wanting a new shoes, dapat gak. yea man. oh oh and i saw LOEWE! ssoooo i went and bought my perfume. yes yes yes! hahhaha another mission completed!. wahh, first it was damn tiring, yea ah college kan. and then went midvalley got the things that i been wanting for a long time. so yeah. thank you God and mum! hahaha.
and wheres rahimi? haha.
and apparently i love the song hallelujah, okay i know its wrong for muslim to say it or sing it. tah i dont know la. but i dont care cause i just love the song, its not like theres some deep meaning to it anyway. for me la. haha
da la in the car, out of the blue i kena lecture cause i go out alot and stuff, i mean wtf its only during the weekend jee. i need a day off atleast once a week. haha.
and wheres rahimi? haha.
and apparently i love the song hallelujah, okay i know its wrong for muslim to say it or sing it. tah i dont know la. but i dont care cause i just love the song, its not like theres some deep meaning to it anyway. for me la. haha
da la in the car, out of the blue i kena lecture cause i go out alot and stuff, i mean wtf its only during the weekend jee. i need a day off atleast once a week. haha.
morninggg flowersss!! its 5am and im bloody awake and i smell good cause i baru mandi. haha. so nway tmrw got econs test another day to die. last night, tidur mati. fell asleep the whole freaking night. i woke up late plak tu. 7.40pm until 6.30am. wtfff. lol. daddy went to bangkok already, gonna miss you! have fun playing golf. haha. im suppose to do my research for econs. damn lazy ah. my sister damn bad wey, go sleep with my mum i had to sleep alone! ceh. so anyway i have a tiring day to face today. so good day people!
oh and wasnt suppose to eat chicken and then yesterday i makan jugak, hahaha damn. so no chicken today and the next day and the next day until next week. syaza syaza. i just love chicken man! lol.
and mi, im sorry i dont really think ill actually stop smoking. hehh. i stop buying ada la, duk amik rokok az je haha. and finally today im gonna buy myself a pack of ciggies. heh
oh and wasnt suppose to eat chicken and then yesterday i makan jugak, hahaha damn. so no chicken today and the next day and the next day until next week. syaza syaza. i just love chicken man! lol.
and mi, im sorry i dont really think ill actually stop smoking. hehh. i stop buying ada la, duk amik rokok az je haha. and finally today im gonna buy myself a pack of ciggies. heh
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